What is chronic kidney disease? -GoMedia

What is chronic kidney disease?


Chronic kidney failure is a very serious disease among kidney diseases because until now there is no medicine to cure this disease. This problem affects 1 in 10 people. Usually diabetes, high blood pressure, stones, etc. are the main culprits.


Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure. The kidney is an important organ of our body, which works to eliminate all harmful and toxic substances present in the body. Its function is also to purify the blood, eliminating all toxic substances from the body through urine. Some symptoms of chronic kidney disease include stomach upset, fever, bleeding in urine, swelling of the whole body, etc.


Every human being has two kidneys in their body. If for some reason one kidney stops working, a person can survive on the other kidney. But living with only one kidney becomes very difficult.



Symptoms of chronic kidney disease




  • fever with chills



  • frequent vomiting


  • shortness of breath



  • numbness of hands and feet


  • nausea


  • frequent urination


  • burning sensation during urination


  • the totality Body swelling


  • eyes swelling under


  • die



Due to chronic kidney disease




  • Each kidney contains about 1 million tiny filtering units, called nephrons. Any disease that damages the nephrons can cause kidney disease. Diabetes and high blood pressure can damage your nephrons.
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  • high blood pressure your kidneys, Heart And can also damage blood vessels in the brain. The kidneys are very vascular, meaning they contain many blood vessels. SO, blood Vascular diseases are generally dangerous for your kidneys.


  • Autoimmune diseases like lupus can damage blood vessels and create antibodies against kidney tissue.


  • There are various other causes of CKD. For example, polycystic Kidney disease is an inherited cause of CKD, which can lead to glomerulonephritis caused by lupus. It can also appear after a streptococcal infection.



Risks of chronic kidney disease



The risk of chronic kidney disease increases significantly in people over the age of 65. This is more likely to occur among African Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. Other risk factors for CKD include:


  • to smoke


  • obesity


  • high cholesterol


  • Diabetes (types 1 and 2)



  • kidney cancer




  • kidney infection



How is chronic kidney disease diagnosed?



Diagnosis of CKD begins with medical history. A family history of kidney failure, high blood pressure or diabetes may alert your doctor. However, other tests are needed to confirm if you have chronic kidney disease, such as:


  • blood test


  • electrolyte level test


  • blood urea nitrogen test


  • creatinine test


  • Parathyroid hormone (PTH) test


  • CT and imaging tests


  • renal ultrasound


other exams


Additional tests for chronic kidney disease include:


  • kidney biopsy


  • Abdominal CT scan and MRI
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Avoid These Things If You Have Chronic Kidney Failure



  • Canned soups and frozen foods


  • spicy foods


  • soy, sunflower oil


  • Dried beans, broccoli, mushrooms


  • Avocados, bananas and oranges


  • Kosher salt, sea salt, flavored salt


  • Cold meats, chicken nuggets, ham, bacon, processed meats



Treatment of chronic kidney disease






You need to reduce fat, salt, protein and potassium in your diet. Reducing salt and fluid intake can help control blood pressure and prevent hypertension. Make sure you’re eating enough calories to maintain your weight. If you suffer from diabetes, carbohydrates Restrict consumption.



lifestyle changes



Exercise daily and if you smoke, stop. By doing this, the problem of chronic kidney disease can be cured.



Supplements and Medications



Your treatment may include –



  • calcium and vitamin D supplements


  • Erythropoietin injection to stimulate red blood cell production


  • antihistamines for itching



medical treatment


You may need dialysis to purify your blood. In some cases, you kidney transplant A kidney transplant may be necessary. You should talk to your doctor about controlling your blood sugar and your diabetes.


If you have chronic kidney disease or ESRD, you may be more susceptible to infection. Here are some of the following vaccines, which you can take after consulting your doctor:


  • pneumococcal vaccine



  • vaccine against influenza


  • H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine
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To avoid kidney damage, Consult a doctor. Doctor specializing in kidney diseases – Nephrologist or doctor Do the same and take only the medicines prescribed by them. In cases of chronic kidney disease, taking care of your eating habits can prevent kidney damage.



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