What is Mycobacterium Abscessus, Health Condition Fitness Influencer Beatriz Suffers From Post Fat Burning Injection?

Fitness influencer Beatriz Amma claims to have near-death experience as she had to deal with excruciating pain post taking fat-dissolving jabs that lead to serious skin problems.

Fitness is important for the body, and it is great maintaining a healthy regime. However, sometimes artificially induced mechanisms to stay more fit may backfire. Something similar is the story of the fitness influencer Beatriz Amma. The health enthusiast went for getting inoculated with injections that claimed to dissolve fat, however, she came out having one of the most harrowing episodes of her life.

At 23, she sought a package of fat-burning injections from a luxury spa that turned out to be a nightmare. she had taken 60 jabs in her arms, body and legs combined. Post her treatment, her body started to show symptoms -fever, shivers, chills and cold sweats that became worse over the course of the day.  Two days later, welts appeared on her skin in the places she had been injected.

According to a report by Daily Mail, Beatriz claimed she was ‘rotting’ in bed, with her skin ‘bursting open’ and her body ‘eating itself alive’. She was suffering from Mycobacterium Abscessus.

What is Mycobacterium Abscessus?

According to the Centre of Disease Control, this is a bacteria mainly found in water, soil and dust. It often is said to have contaminated medications and products. It attacks the skin and the soft tissues beneath it. If left untreated, it may lead to chronic lung diseases, such as cystic fibrosis. Also, when injections are administered by disinfecting the skin, the body is prone to this deadly infection.

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  • Redness
  • Swollen Blisters
  • Painful BoilsFever
  • Chills
  • Muscle ache

Beatriz was horrified when a doctor suggested she wouldn’t be able to wear a bikini as people would ‘think she had monkeypox’ — an infection that fluid-filled spots and is spread through contact with an infected person’s skin, coughs and sneezes. Beatriz said: ‘I want all of us to be able to express our bodies and feel beautiful even if people feel different.

‘I just really want to help ignite this body positivity movement and empower people of all kinds with all different adversities to not hide and to feel beautiful regardless of their scars — internally and externally.’

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Published Date: October 26, 2023 10:26 AM IST




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