What is the brain-eating amoeba Naegleria fowleri?

A strange case has come to light in Kerala. In fact, a 5-year-old girl went to swim in the pond on May 1st. On May 10, the girl began showing symptoms of fever, headache and vomiting. The girl’s condition became so bad that she was put on a ventilator. But the medicine had no effect.

amoebic meningoencephalitis

According to reports received from sources, a strange disease called amoebic meningoencephalitis has been detected in Malappuram district of Kerala. In fact, it is a serious illness linked to a brain infection. A 5-year-old girl died from this brain infection. This infection is caused by dirty water.

The girl had been ill since May 1

According to information received from sources, a five-year-old girl suffering from mebic meningoencephalitis died. This disease is caused by free-living amoebae found in dirty water. He further said that the girl, a resident of Moonniyur Panchayat, died at the Institute of Maternal and Child Health of Kozhikode Medical College on Monday evening. Where he had been undergoing treatment for over a week.

What was it ?

According to doctors, this infection occurs in a person when a free living amoeba found in water ends up in dirty water. It enters the human body through the nose. According to sources, the girl had gone to take a bath in the pond near the village on May 1. Afterwards, he started experiencing symptoms of fever, headache and vomiting.

Other children who bathed with the young girl in the same pond are also being monitored. However, he was released after being found free of infection. The disease was first reported in 2023 and 2017 in the coastal Alappuzha district of the state. The main symptoms of this disease are fever, headache, vomiting and seizures.

Tell us why it is called Naegleria Fowleri?

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In fact, in colloquial language, Naegleria fowleri is called a brain-eating amoeba. Even before this case, many people died due to this amoeba in India and many countries around the world. In this case, there is a 97 percent chance that the person will not survive. This is considered an incurable disease. In this disease, brain cells begin to become damaged.

What brain does the amoeba Naegleria fowleri eat?

Naegleria fowleri is a special type of amoeba. It is also called free living organism. This clearly means that it does not need an ecosystem to survive or sustain itself. It can also grow all over the world. Generally lakes, rivers, ponds and water, warm water can be found everywhere.

How does this amoeba spread its infection?

The risk of infection with this amoeba occurs when dirty water gets into your nose. For this reason, the amoeba enters the brain. This amoeba damages brain cells. It is already present in the water and when someone goes swimming, this amoeba in the water preys on them. It is found in water that has not been cleaned for a long time. This type of amoeba is found in dirty water that has been stagnant for a long time. It is found in water when not enough chlorine has been added or it has not been cleaned properly.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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