What is your diet personality?

Diets are not a one-size-fits-all model. Certainly, an approach that may work for one person is not guaranteed to work for another, for a variety of different reasons including genetics, lifestyle choices, and even personality or habitual eating behaviors that undermine our daily decisions about eating. food.

A recent CSIRO investigation, the Diet Types Study, examined the eating behaviors of more than 245,000 study participants. From this data set, he identified a series of “diet types” that can then be used to prescribe the best diet for people based on their underlying behavioral tendencies, psychological strengths, and weaknesses.

Taking these variables into account when starting a new lifestyle program is thought to be predictive of long-term success.

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Research has identified several different “diet types.” (iStock)

Do any of the most common types identified sound familiar to you? And if so, how can you use this knowledge to ensure that the diet you choose is right for your personality type?

Are you a thinker?

The thinkers, who make up nearly 15 percent of those studied, are motivated and analytical and like to get things right. They don’t cope well when their diet is off or they feel like they’re doing something wrong. Thinkers like to be accountable to someone, but ultimately they need support, not criticism, to stay motivated and on track.

Thinkers must understand what they are eating and why, and must be able to question their food choices and programs to fully understand why they are getting the results they seek.

The best dietary approach: Consult a dietitian for a personalized plan and support. Contrary to popular belief, dietitians are far from the Diet Police you might imagine them to be. Rather, a dietitian will formulate an individualized plan for you and serve as the primary support person for any weight loss journey.

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Are you a fighter?

The next most common diet type identified, wrestlers are vulnerable to food temptations, are more likely to be female, and tend to repeat the same diet cycle over and over again.

Wrestlers are used to trying the latest and greatest diet program, only to find it too difficult to stick to, before feeling like a failure and never making any real progress.

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Driver blames restrictive diet after hitting woman
Wrestlers tend to repeat the same diet cycle over and over again. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The best dietary approach: Try something new. If restrictive diets don’t work for you, the worst thing you can do is try them over and over again. Instead, newer weight loss approaches such as going online for ongoing support; ordering your food online or starting a new program with a friend may be the change you need to get results over a set period of time instead of jumping from one program to another.

Are you a Craver?

Of all diet types, cravings had the highest BMI and were prone to extreme cravings and overeating when tempting foods and treats were readily available. Possibly genetic, hormonal, or simply the result of programmed eating behavior over time, if food cravings dictate your life and you’ve always been on a weight program, it’s time to visit a GP or endocrinologist to see if insulin resistance may be driving your desire. Eat excessively

The best dietary approach: Get your hormones checked by a medical professional. Excessive and unexplained hunger suggests other hormonal or physiological variables driving an obsession with food. If you’ve always struggled with your weight, there are new and innovative medications available that can help you on your weight loss journey.

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Are you a Pleaser?

People pleasers are easily influenced by those around them and need support to help guide them through their weight loss journey. People pleasers are likely to respond well to programs and approaches that are group-based or that are also followed by those around them.

The best dietary approach: Online programs like WW (Weight Watchers) for ongoing advice and support. Alternatively, your local gym can also provide a supportive environment and a variety of healthy lifestyle programs that you can sign up for as part of your health and fitness journey.

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diet news
Restrictive diets won’t work for foodies. (Nine)

Are you a foodie?

If you spend much of your free time reading, watching, preparing, and thinking about delicious foods that you can eat and prepare, chances are you’re a foodie. Big lovers of variety and good quality food, it’s safe to say that restrictive, low-calorie diets that replace meals with smoothies and soups aren’t going to work for foodies.

Foodies need a program where they can still enjoy tasty food and eat out, while learning to buffer the effect of higher caloric intakes on occasion.

The best dietary approach: Mediterranean or calorie counting. It may seem counterintuitive for a foodie to count calories, but as a tool, counting calories can help a foodie make informed decisions about what he eats and when. Alternatively, a Mediterranean Diet that focuses on whole, natural and unprocessed foods it is also an option, although less likely to achieve weight loss over time.

Are you a socializer?

If you can’t remember the last time you enjoyed a home-cooked meal, and the thought of eating lunch or dinner alone makes you feel blue, you’re probably a socializer and need practical strategies on how you can balance the social aspects of eating out. with your dietary goals. Socializers need to be able to eat out and include alcohol in their lifestyle plan if they have any chance of long-term success.

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The best dietary approach: intermittent fasting One of the best things about intermittent fasting regimens, both 5:2 and 16:8, is that they allow followers to work the diet around their schedule. For example, fasting later in the day if you plan to eat out in the evening, or buffering higher-calorie days with lower-calorie days. The key to success is choosing your fasting regimen and sticking with it rather than vacillating between different fasting options.

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Author susie burrell is a prominent Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of shape meco-host of The Nutrition Couch podcast and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in print and television commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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