While sitting on the toilet seat, the bone of the woman’s knees was shattered … this rare disease was found in the investigation

Knee tumor: Weakening of bones is certain with increasing age. But nowadays even the youth are falling prey to the weak. The reason behind this is bad lifestyle and bad food. Earlier old people used to have bone diseases. There used to be pain in the joints. But now even the youth have to face it twice. Many times you must have noticed that when you suddenly sit somewhere or sit on the toilet seat, then the sound of cut-cut comes from the bones. Often we ignore this voice. But doing so can make you crippled forever. We are not saying this. One such incident has come to the fore. It is being told that as soon as a woman living in England sits on the toilet seat, her knee bones get shattered. Let’s know what is the whole matter…

Broken bones while sitting on toilet seat

According to a New York Post news, in February 2017, a woman named Bethany Easton was going to the bedroom through the stairs. During this, she had pain in her left leg. She stopped and sat on the toilet seat for a while. While sitting on the toilet seat, he heard the sound of knee breaking. She says as if all the bones were shattered. She felt immense pain. She went to the hospital for treatment. There the doctor told that there is a big tumor in his knees. Because of this the soft tissue around the knees has become weak. After breaking the knee bone, the doctor told that due to the tumor, he would have to change the bone of both the knee and the thighs.

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In 99 percent of the surgeries, movement of the muscles stops.

After the surgery, the doctor told the woman that in 99% of the surgeries, the patients cannot walk completely. She has to re-learn to walk and she can never wear high heels again. Although the woman is doing these increases, her surgery has been completed, she is slowly walking after the surgery. The same Bethany is making people aware, she says that whenever there is such pain, no one should ignore it.

One in a million has this tumor

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, a giant cell tumor is a rare and aggressive type of noncancerous tumor and it usually grows at the end of a bone near a joint. Not only can it grow in the knee, but it can also Ako can also appear along the bones of the arms and legs. This is a disease that occurs in one in a million.

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