Why are there stones in the stomach, know its causes and symptoms

Stomach Care: Stomach is such a part of our body, which is most disturbed and in which most diseases occur. Usually gas pain or digestive pain or abdominal pain during periods in women gets cured with time and these are home remedies. Also do full effect. But sometimes the condition becomes so bad due to stomach pain that even a hot water bottle stops working as if it were. In this article, you are being told about the main reasons that cause appendix in the stomach as well as the symptoms by which you can identify that the stomach. The problem of kidney stones is increasing.

Symptoms of stomach stones

1. As soon as the stomach pain starts, nausea starts or vomiting starts.
2. The pain starts from the navel or its upper part and becomes very sharp as soon as it reaches the right side of the abdomen.
3. Swelling of abdomen
4. Having gas problem in the stomach and loose motion or constipation problem with gas.
5. Having trouble passing gas
6. Fever above 100
7. Loss of appetite for several days

causes of stomach stones

There is no single main and obvious reason for having stones in the stomach. However, this problem can arise in every person due to many different reasons. These are some of the reasons…

  • high protein diet
  • eating too much salt food
  • non veg food
  • drink less water
  • Too much TDS in water (water is heavy)
  • Excessive intake of vegetables and fruits of hard and raw seeds
  • taking certain drugs
  • excessive intake of supplements

stomach stone treatment
Stones in the stomach usually occur in two organs. Kidney and gall bladder ie gall bladder. Depending on the size of the kidney stone, it is removed through medicines or operation. Whereas operation is considered to be the better option for gallstones.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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