Why does cholesterol get deposited above the eyes? Know its symptoms

Xanthelasmata : The cholesterol deposited above the eyes is called Xanthelasma. This cholesterol can appear on the upper and lower part of the eyelids. Many cholesterol grains are seen together around the eyes. Exact information about what causes xanthelasma is not available. However, many experts say that xanthelasma can occur due to high cholesterol and liver related problems. Let us know about its symptoms (Cholesterol Symptoms in Eyes) and causes-

Symptoms of cholesterol deposited above the eyes

Cholesterol deposited above the eyes looks like soft, flat, yellowish lumps. It can appear on the upper and lower eyelids, near the inner corner of the eye. Apart from this, it can develop around both the eyes.

These lumps of cholesterol can be seen in one shape or in different sizes. Gradually, the lumps of cholesterol above the eyes start growing. At the same time, sometimes knots join together to form big knots.

Xanthelasmas are usually painless and non-itchy. However, sometimes it can affect the movement of the eyelid.

Causes of cholesterol deposited above the eyes

What causes cholesterol to accumulate above the eyes? It is not possible to say anything precisely about this. It can happen to people of any age and class. However, this problem is more common in women than men.

Some experts say that abnormal levels of lipids in the blood can also be one of the main reasons for Xanthelasma. This problem is known as dyslipidemia.

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