Why Joe Wicks’ HIIT really IS the secret to staying slim: Brutal bursts of exercise burn more fat

Why Joe Wicks’ HIIT really IS the secret to staying lean: Brutal bursts of squats, burpees and push-ups burn more fat than just running, study claims

  • HIIT fans burn up to 0.13g more fat per minute of activity they perform
  • This could cause them to lose an additional 10 kg in a decade, according to the researchers.
  • Workouts include burpees, squats, and push-ups interspersed with rest.



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Following joe wicks‘Brutal exercise regimen really is the best way to lose weightsuggests a study.

The nation’s favorite workout guru, nicknamed Body Coach, is a proponent of modern high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

It burns a lot by having people do burpees, squats, and push-ups interspersed with rest intervals.

But experts have now confirmed that it is more effective at keeping your waistline in check than traditional aerobic exercise such as running or swimming.

Researchers claim that just three 30-minute sessions a week can turn your body into a “fat-burning machine,” and they say it may work even better in fat people.

Those who do weekly high-intensity interval training burn up to 0.13 g more fat for every minute of physical activity they perform, compared to those who don't exercise, according to a team of international researchers.  The workouts, which include burpees, squats and push-ups interspersed with rest, were made popular by Joe Wicks (pictured), who uploads videos online as Body Coach.

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Those who do weekly high-intensity interval training burn up to 0.13 g more fat for every minute of physical activity they perform, compared to those who don’t exercise, according to a team of international researchers. The workouts, which include burpees, squats and push-ups interspersed with rest, were made popular by Joe Wicks (pictured), who uploads videos online as Body Coach.


Adults are encouraged to engage in some form of physical activity every day. Exercising just once or twice a week can lower your risk of heart disease or stroke.

Those over 18 years of age should aspire to:

  • Do strengthening activities that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms) at least two days a week. This includes carrying heavy shopping bags, yoga, pilates, and weight lifting.
  • Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week. Moderate activity includes brisk walking, bicycling, dancing, and doubles tennis. Vigorous activity includes running, swimming, and fast or hill biking.
  • Spread out the exercise evenly over four or five days a week, or every day.
  • Reduce the time you spend sitting or lying down and break up long periods of inactivity with some activity

Adults can also meet the weekly activity goal with:

  • Several short sessions of very vigorous intensity activity. This includes lifting heavy weights, circuit training, and running uphill.
  • A mix of moderate, vigorous, and very vigorous intensity activity.

Font; National Health Service

They are still encouraging people to stick to other conventional ways of sweating.

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However, the Victoria University of Melbourne team is encouraging people to become fans of HIIT.

Their calculations suggest that adding three fast sessions each week could help burn an additional 0.13 g of fat per minute of exercise.

Over the course of a decade, those who get the recommended two and a half hours of aerobic exercise can theoretically lose an additional 22 pounds (10 kg).

Study author Professor Zeljko Pedisic said: “If you’re not already doing it, maybe you should try it.”

Numerous studies have shown that HIIT increases fat oxidation, the process of breaking down stored fat in the body.

Until now, however, researchers hadn’t compared the rates of fat oxidation among HIIT exercisers with other forms of exercise.

To investigate this, the researchers combined the results of 18 studies, each of which looked at the amount of fat burned during workouts.

Some 511 participants participated in supervised training (HIIT or moderate-intensity activities such as running and cycling) or did not exercise.

They were monitored for three sessions per week for two to 14 weeks.

The findings, published in the British‌ ‌Journal‌ ‌of‌ ‌Sports‌ ‌Medicineshow that just four weeks of HIIT training improves fat burning by an additional 0.08 g per minute compared to those who do not exercise.

People who prefer conventional aerobic exercise, such as jogging, will also experience improved fat metabolism.

But the benefit was less than that of those who did HIIT (0.03 g per minute), the results showed.

This means that fans of aerobic exercise would have to train for longer to see the same effects, the team said.

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The researchers admitted that their findings were not foolproof, as they included studies that used different training methods and in different populations.

And they only monitored the effects for three months.


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