Why joint pain increases in winter, as soon as you know the reason, you will start this work from today

Joint Pain In Winter: Winter comes as good for some people, and bad for some. Those people who start having pain in bones and joints as soon as winter comes, it becomes very difficult for them to bear the winter season. Many people do not understand what could be the reason for knee pain or bone pain. But let us tell you that whether it is winter or summer, taking bone pain lightly can prove to be harmful for you. In case of pain, applying any balm at home or doing fomentation is not the only solution. In this article, we will tell you that due to which your joint pain keeps on increasing.

Why joint pain increases in winter

According to experts, joint pain or bone pain has nothing to do with the change in weather. But due to some reasons this pain can emerge due to health related problems. People who have arthritis, they may have joint pain when the temperature drops by 10 degrees in the weather. One reason also comes to the fore that when the weather turns cold, there is stiffness in the muscles, due to which there is difficulty in moving the muscles and pain starts in our bones.

Include these things in food

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You should take only a little but healthy diet in your food, so that your weight does not increase. Weight gain also promotes joint pain. Include orange, tangerine seasonal fruits in fruits. Eat hot food in the winter season. Eat things like carrots, spinach, mustard vitamins in vegetables too, you can get relief from pain. Those suffering from joint pain should consume things containing Vitamin C, D, K. To remove the lack of blood in the body, eating jaggery everyday can also provide a lot of relief to the pain in your body.

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Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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