Why shouldn’t you eat ‘snacks’ after 6 pm?

To avoid diseases, it is very important that you eat food according to time. There is a right time to eat everything. When you do not eat at the right time, then the risk of many serious diseases automatically increases despite avoiding lakhs. There are a lot of people in the world who like to eat snacks. But they do not know that eating snacks at the wrong time can cause many problems in the body. Nowadays people are eating whatever they want. Some are having snacks at midnight and some are having dinner at midnight. Because of these wrong eating habits, diseases get a chance to enter the body.

Experts say that eating snacks at the wrong time has many bad effects on the body. Because most snacks are processed. They contain excessive salt and oil. It has been proved in many studies that processed food is not beneficial for health in any way. According to the report of ‘Mirror’, Dr Sarah Berry said that research suggests that eating snacks after 6 pm and after 9 pm is bad for health.

If you have food craving, then eat these things

Nowadays people are seen eating snacks while watching TV, mobile, movies. Agreed that snacks are delicious, but they increase the risk of many dangerous diseases. If you are craving to eat something, then you can eat healthy things. You can also eat fruits and vegetables as well as unsalted nuts and small amounts of dark chocolate.

Have early dinner

Many researches also tell that one should not eat food late at night. Because this creates the risk of weight gain. In a research done on rats, it has been found that sleeping immediately after eating food increases fat in the blood. There should always be a gap of 2-3 hours between having dinner and sleeping. But don’t even do this that after having dinner at 11 in the night, sleep at 2 or 3 in the midnight. Have dinner between 7-8 pm and sleep by 10 pm. Along with adopting these habits, also make a habit of exercising and eating healthy food.

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Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or related expert.

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