Why sleep breaks frequently, eat these foods to avoid it

How to Sleep Tight: If the sleep is complete, then half of the diseases of a person are cured. Good sleep keeps both body and mind healthy and active. In our daily routine life, we eat a lot and do such things, which have a bad effect on our sleep. However, as long as the body is healthy, it manages the bad effects of these things and also suffers from sleep-related problems. But if we unknowingly make these activities that disturb the proper sleep a part of our daily life, then our body is also unable to manage things and problems related to sleep start happening.

Eating what will keep sleep good and will not open the eyes in the middle of the night and doing what causes problems in sleep. Everyone in the family should know about this. So that the whole family can remain healthy and there should not be any problem in the physical and mental development of the children. Here are some basic things related to this, it is very important to know them and apply in daily life.

Why does sleep break at night?
The problem of falling asleep suddenly while falling asleep occurs due to many reasons. The most common reasons among these are the result of some mistake made during the day. like…

  • burning sensation in chest
  • heavy urination
  • frequent urination
  • to be restless
  • shortness of breath
  • feel suffocated
  • foot pain
  • stomach ache
  • gas build-up

What is the reason for the loss of sleep?

  • drinking too much tea and coffee during the day
  • drinking too much soft drinks
  • eating too much oily food
  • eating more spicy food
  • drink less water
  • eating less fiber
  • sleeping during the day
  • lack of nutrition in food
  • eating late at night
  • drinking plenty of milk or water before bedtime
  • eat more sweet things
  • eating too much salt

What to eat for good sleep?

To keep the quality of your sleep good, some important foods should be included in your daily life. like…

  • Drink lukewarm milk one hour before sleeping at night.
  • Take chamomile-tea at any time of the day or in the evening snack time.
  • Winter season is coming, in such a situation, replace your tea and coffee with a decoction of basil and ginger once a day. It is good for both sleep and digestion.
  • In the beginning of the day and especially if you take milk with dryfruits for breakfast, then your health gets a lot of benefits and the quality of sleep becomes better.
  • If you are not able to do this, then when you get time in the day, definitely eat dryfruits.
  • Take fennel and sugar candy after meals. This improves digestion.
  • In the afternoon, eat a bowl of curd mixed with sugar or eat it without sugar. But do not eat it with food.
  • Drinking buttermilk once a day, especially in the afternoon, is beneficial and improves sleep.
  • One banana should be eaten every day. You can do the rest of the things mentioned here according to your mind that one day eat something and the other day something else. But eat one banana daily.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

Read also: Do not forget to eat these 5 things with berries, the effect can be dangerous

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