Woman became blind after spending hours on the phone, know why?

Smartphone Vision Syndrome: Can excessive use of smartphone cause sudden loss of eyesight? This question is arising because a very shocking case has come to light from Hyderabad. In fact, a 30-year-old woman from Hyderabad used to use her mobile phone for hours in the dark, due to which she suddenly lost her eyesight and became blind. The doctor whom the woman had approached to solve her problem, told about the symptoms of the woman on social media.

Dr. Sudhir Kumar of Apollo Hospitals told on Twitter that 30-year-old Manju’s eyesight remained obstructed for one-and-a-half years. These included seeing floaters, bright flashes of light, dark zig zag lines and sometimes the inability to see or focus on things. Explaining the symptoms of blindness, Dr. Kumar said that a woman named Manju had smartphone vision syndrome. She told that she started showing symptoms after she had quit her job as a beautician to take care of her disabled child.

Used to run the phone in the dark

The doctor told that Manju had left the job. Therefore, to spend his time, he started using the smartphone more and more. She used to be busy in mobile phone for many hours daily. Not only this, after turning off the lights at night, she used to use her mobile phone for several hours even in the dark. Kumar told that she was suffering from ‘smartphone vision syndrome’ or CVS. Long-term use of electronic devices such as smartphones, computers or tablets can cause different symptoms of eye-related disability, which are called Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Vision Syndrome.

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Dr. Kumar told that he advised the patient to use the smartphone less. The woman acted as per the doctor’s advice. Kumar tells that after a month when Manju came for re-examination, she was absolutely fine. His eyesight, which had been impaired since 18 months, started improving. Now his vision was normal.

How to take care of your eyes?

The doctor has given some ways to avoid ‘smartphone vision syndrome’.

1. Avoid looking at the screen of digital devices for a long time.

2. Take a short break of 20 seconds while using the digital screen.

3. Keep the lights on in the room while looking at the computer or phone screen. Avoid using the phone in the dark.

4. If you feel even slight tension, always get your eyes checked.

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