World Mental Day 2023: 5 Common Anxiety Disorders That Can Impact Your Daily Living

World Mental Health Day 2023: If your anxiety becomes persistent and excessive or interferes with daily life, you may have anxiety disorder.

World Mental Day 2023: 5 Common Anxiety Disorders That Can Impact Your Daily Living

We all are familiar with the word anxiety- something that scares us, makes us feel nervous or overwhelming. However, this feeling soon becomes normal on its own in most people. But anxiety disorders are not similar. When one feels anxious on most occasions and faces difficulty in completing their day-to-day tasks, it’s important to pay attention to the signs and symptoms. A person suffering from anxiety disorders may experience an overwhelming feeling of anxiousness that can be excessive and persistent, even when a stressor isn’t present. On the occasion of Mental Health Day 2023, spoke to Dr Santosh Bangar, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Global Hospitals Parel Mumbai and discussed different types of anxiety disorders, their symptoms and how can they interpret daily life.

OCD to Social Anxiety, 5 Common Anxiety Disorders You Must Know

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder or (GAD) is the most prevalent form of anxiety disorder diagnosed in adults. Individuals with GAD constantly struggle with excessive worry about everyday activities. This chronic state of unease can result in sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, headaches and muscle tension. Additionally, those with GAD have an elevated risk of developing depression or other anxiety disorders.
  2.  Panic Disorder is characterized by sudden and unexpected episodes of intense fear or panic known as panic attacks, along with a profound concern about the potential recurrence of such attacks. These episodes often manifest physically through symptoms like rapid heartbeat, dizziness, chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, and trembling. The severity of panic attacks may be so extreme that individuals mistake them for a heart attack or life-threatening condition, leading to avoidance behaviors.
  3. SAD, also known as Social Anxiety Disorder, is a condition characterized by an overwhelming and persistent fear or anxiety related to social situations. Individuals suffering from SAD often avoid social interactions due to the fear of being ridiculed, or rejected. As a result, they may struggle to form connections with others, hinder their professional growth, and find it difficult to enjoy social activities. SAD is a prevalent issue that can manifest in childhood.
  4. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is another type of anxiety disorder that impacts a large number of the population. People with OCD experience intrusive and unwanted thoughts or behaviors that cause significant distress and anxiety. These individuals may feel compelled to engage in repetitive actions or rituals as a way to prevent harm from happening. Additionally, they may have an intense fear of contamination that can disrupt their daily routines and impair their ability to function normally.
  5. Separation Anxiety Disorder encompasses an excessive dread surrounding the prospect of leaving home or being distanced from cherished individuals, surpassing typical expectations for a given age. Children grappling with this disorder may persistently experience distress over the potential loss of their parents.
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Each disorder has numerous subtleties to consider. A thorough assessment conducted by a mental health expert can pinpoint the particular anxiety disorder by examining the most common symptoms and triggering situations. Customized treatment strategies can effectively address these symptoms. Medications, psychotherapy, and a blend of therapies are all viable options for treating these disorders. By reaching out for assistance, individuals can reclaim authority over their lives and enhance their mental state. If you suspect that you or someone you know may be grappling with an anxiety disorder, it is crucial to seek help.

Published Date: October 10, 2023 10:01 AM IST




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