You can save life in case of heart attack, just understand about these life saving tips

Due to the changing lifestyle and stress, nowadays not only the elderly but also the youth are losing their lives due to heart attack. Youngsters are also falling prey to this dangerous disease. In such a situation, it is necessary to include some such things in our lifestyle so that we can avoid falling prey to this serious disease. Today in this news, we will give you some important information, by adopting which you can save yourself from a serious disease like heart attack, as well as know what should be done if a person has a heart attack, so that the patient life could be saved. Today we are telling you five life saving tips.

To improve your heart health, keep these things in mind

Make necessary changes in your lifestyle. If you smoke, first of all say goodbye to smoking forever.

Due to the busy routine, we are not able to take out even 20 minutes for ourselves, due to which dangerous diseases start surrounding us. If you are also in a busy routine, then now you need to make changes, take 20 minutes for yourself and include exercise, yoga in your routine.

Extremely reduce the intake of saturated fats, sugar and sodium from your diet.

If you want to keep the heart young and healthy, then cut sugar from your diet. Soda is rich in sugar, which works to increase your blood sugar level, in such a situation, there is stress on your arteries, and blood pressure increases, which increases the chances of heart attack.

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Let us now know what should you do if you have a heart attack? Learn 5 life-saving tips.

If someone has a heart attack, then first of all take care that you do not panic. Act wisely. If you remain in panic then the patient will start panicking more.

In case of heart attack, first make the patient lie down and bring them to a comfortable position. Now you have to give the patient a tablet of aspirin to suck. Sucking aspirin prevents clotting of blood and reduces mortality by 15 percent.

In an attack, the heartbeat may slow down and then stop. In such a situation, you have to try to start breathing by pressing the chest immediately. This starts beating again, this is called CPR technique.

The patient has to give you artificial respiration soon. In such a situation, you remove the patient’s pillow and raise his chin. When you do this, it reduces the blockage of the respiratory tract.

Hold the patient’s nose with your fingers and start breathing through your mouth. By pressing the nose, the breath given from the mouth can go directly to the patient’s lungs. Take a deep breath and close your mouth. Take care that the air is not coming out of the mouth in any way. Exhale slowly in the patient’s mouth, in 2-3 seconds the patient’s lungs will be filled with air. You have to do this two to three times.

The most important thing is that in case of a heart attack, take the patient to the doctor immediately, do not waste a lot of time.

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