You would not know these 6 benefits of eating peas, include them in your diet today

Peas Health Benefits: The winter season has started, along with this, many such vegetables have fallen in the market, which have brought with them both the treasure of taste and health, one of them is green peas, this is a very special vegetable which is eaten by everyone. Can be made in different ways. Peas are waited like guests in some houses, because many dishes remain incomplete without them. Whether it is Matar Pulao, Matar Paneer or Matar Paratha, a small grain of pea is enough to enhance the taste of any dish. Along with taste, it also has many Ayurvedic properties. It has a storehouse of virtues. Nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients are found in it. Apart from this, a very different nutrient is found in peas which is called cumestrol. And it has the ability to fight cancer. All the minerals and vitamins present in it provide a protective shield to your body. Known to have anti aging effects.

Let’s know its benefits

1. Increase good cholesterol Peas are rich in niacin, it reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

2. Beneficial in weight lossThe benefits of peas also include weight loss, this is because it contains a lot of fiber, it fills the stomach quickly and does not make you feel hungry, in this way you can get rid of obesity by eating less. Huh

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3. Beneficial in arthritis- The benefits of peas also include getting rid of arthritis because a special element called selenium is found in it. According to experts, Selenium proves beneficial in getting rid of Arthritis. Peas are considered very helpful in getting rid of joint related problems.

4. For eyesight-Two special elements named Lutein and Zexathim are found in peas. Both these elements are considered very beneficial for the eyes. There are many benefits of eating green peas in increasing the eyesight.

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5. Beneficial in pregnancy- Along with iron, calcium and folic acid, many vitamins and nutrients are found in peas, which are considered very important for a pregnant woman, for this reason it is believed that pregnant women should consume more and more peas.

6. Take care of the skin: Peas are called screen friendly as they contain Vitamin B6 C and folate. These nutrients help reduce inflammation and free radical damage. Flavonoid, carotenoid and alpha carotene present in peas which act as anti aging.

read this also-If you do not want to fall sick in winter, then keep these things in mind, you will remain fit and healthy

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