Your birthmark can also change in melanoma, check in these ways

Melanoma And Birthmark: Birthmark is the mark that we all have on our body since birth. Melanoma These are those scars, which appear as scars on the skin when the unnecessary cells growing in the body grow. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. Melanoma grows in the melanocytes cells of the skin. Melanocytes are the cells that pigment the skin. That is, it provides skin color to your skin.

Due to many reasons, there is a change in the color and size of the birthmark (Change In Birthmarks Size) and melanocytes cells are involved in these changes. Melanoma is a very fast spreading cancer, which often starts growing under pre-existing marks on the body like birthmarks etc. Therefore, it is late to recognize it at the initial stage. Here you are being told about some such symptoms, through which you can recognize the development of melanoma along with the changes in your birthmark.

How does melanoma start?

Melanoma can start from any part of the body, but it usually develops first in or near birthmarks. Although this is the case in every case, it is not necessary. Melanocytes are present as a group in birth marks. When these melanocytes start growing rapidly due to any reason, then melanoma starts developing in the birthmark. Now this cancer has started growing very fast and the death rate due to it has also started increasing.

How to recognize melanoma?

  • Check your birthmark from time to time. Keep an eye on the changes in its color or shape and if there are any changes, definitely consult a skin expert.
  • Keep an eye out for new marks being formed. If too many moles have started coming out or unintentional scars have started forming, then definitely consult a doctor.
  • The color of the edges of the birthmark is changing or the shape is changing.
  • widening of birthmarks
  • Itching or light bleeding in the birthmark.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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