6 Must-do Exercises While Recovering From Covid

With the end of the third wave in India, we can see that a large number of people are testing positive for Covid-19.
People who have tested positive need to follow a plan of action for their proper recovery, medications help but nothing can beat physical activity on the way to recovery.Also read – Queen Elizabeth II tests positive for covid, says Buckingham Palace

People who test positive, even if they are asymptomatic, need to be isolated so that they do not contribute to the spread of the virus. Also read – Explained: Why is liver health important? Here’s how you can keep it healthy, experts say

Which means they will be at home and have limited options to exercise. Also read – Studies illustrate how severe Covid-19 affects bowel health

In this case, it is important to focus on their recovery by using this time for yourself without any interruption.
It is normal to feel tired when you are on the way to recovery as this is quite normal and can last up to 6 to 8 weeks.

Your focus should be on a slow start and once you feel comfortable in the exercise then gradually pick it up.

Here are 6 essential exercises to recover from covid 19:

Walking is one of the easiest but best ways to start regaining your strength and health. Set short realistic goals first. If you are very weak, your goal may be to walk to the toilet. Increase the distance when you feel ready.

Deep breathing can help restore diaphragm function and increase lung capacity. The goal is to develop the ability to take deep breaths during any activity, not just while resting.

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Deep breathing exercises can also reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, which are common for a person experiencing severe symptoms or being hospitalized. These breathing exercises can also improve the quality of sleep.

Anyone can benefit from deep breathing techniques, but they play a particularly important role in the COVID-19 recovery process. Exercise can be started at home during self-isolation and easily incorporated into your daily routine.

As you rest during your recovery phase, you will lie down or sit for long hours which can tighten your spinal muscles so doing cat camel will help you to move your spinal muscles.

Physicians recommend yoga and meditation during the recovery phase as it promotes mindfulness and helps you to enrich your mental health which is extremely important at this time. If you have never done yoga before, look for a beginner class on the internet and try to move at your leisure and make sure not to do any movement that will cause your heart rate to increase immediately.

Push ups are a great upper body exercise that works on your chest, shoulder, triceps and core muscles to help you build strength in your upper body.

You can start with wall push ups and if you feel comfortable you can go for normal floor push ups.
Flatten your hands shoulder-high against the wall, keep your fingers up and keep your feet about a foot away from the wall. Always keep your body straight, bend your elbows and slowly lower your body towards the wall, then push gently. Stay away from the wall again until your arms are straight.

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Living alone in the room, mostly sedentary, can periodically affect your hips in a way that can eventually lead to all kinds of joint pain, especially in the knees and lower extremities. It is important to strengthen the hips, stretch and take care of this all-important muscle group.

It is important to get approval from your doctor before doing these exercises.

(Inputs from Mukul Nagpol, founder of Pmftraining and he is the Fit India Movement Ambassador)


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