Be careful if you use sunscreen, this cream can cause cancer!

Side effect of sunscreen: It is very important to use sunscreen in skin care products. After washing your face and applying moisturizer, it is also advisable to apply sunscreen during the day, in order to protect your skin from tanning.

Not only that, the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV rays) can also be avoided by applying sunscreen, but it also eliminates problems like hyperpigmentation, allergies, and fine lines. But a recent research has revealed that some sunscreens contain ingredients that can increase the number of cancer cells.

Can sunscreen cause cancer?

According to a recent research, some sunscreens contain traces of carcinogenic benzene. It is a chemical that can cause cancer. However, good quality sunscreens are also available in the market, in which this element is not found and these sunscreens are beneficial for the skin. In such a situation, experts advise to always buy sunscreen from trusted companies or choose a sunscreen according to your skin only on the advice of experts.

The research is still ongoing
The goal of this research is to protect the skin from UV rays that can cause cancer and to limit exposure to any potentially harmful chemicals. Currently, research is also underway on how much benzene can be absorbed through the skin.

Apply sunscreen like this

Now, how to use sunscreen? First of all, you need to use a good quality SPF sunscreen. You can choose a 30 or 50 SPF sunscreen depending on your environment. When you leave the house, apply sunscreen carefully on your face at least 20 minutes before.

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Often people don’t use sunscreen on sunny days, but even if the weather is nice and the sun isn’t out, you still need to use sunscreen and reapply it every two to three hours.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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