Be careful if you use sunscreen, this cream can cause cancer!

Be careful if you use sunscreen, this cream can cause cancer!

Side effect of sunscreen: It is very important to use sunscreen in skin care products. After washing your face and applying moisturizer, it is also advisable to apply sunscreen during the day, in order to protect your skin from tanning. Not only that, the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UV rays) can also … Read more

क्या तेज धूप से वाकई बचा लेती है सनस्क्रीन,स्किन के लिए फायदेमंद होती है क्रीम या नुकसानदायक

क्या तेज धूप से वाकई बचा लेती है सनस्क्रीन,स्किन के लिए फायदेमंद होती है क्रीम या नुकसानदायक

Sunscreen: हर मौसम के अनुसार स्किन की सही देखभाल करनी चाहिए. गर्मियों में धूप में जाने की वजह से त्वचा डल हो सकती है, इसलिए इस मौसम में इसका खास ख्याल रखना जरूरी है, क्योंकि सूर्य की यूवी किरणें स्किन को गंभीर तौर पर नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है. जिससे सनबर्न, स्किन पर उम्र का असर … Read more

Beach holidays are to be enjoyed a lot, so do not forget to take these things with you

Beach holidays are to be enjoyed a lot, so do not forget to take these things with you

Beach Holidays: The summer season has started. The process of traveling during the holidays also continues. Some are going to the mountain and some are going to the island. At the same time, some people are turning towards the beach of Goa. If you are also planning a beach holiday this summer, then we are … Read more

Pack these 5 things in your bag before going out in summer…you will not fall ill

Pack these 5 things in your bag before going out in summer…you will not fall ill

Summer Hacks: The month of June is going on and summer is also in full swing. Stepping out of the house in the day time is like putting yourself in a scorching fire. Many times, due to exposure to the sun, problems like dehydration, heat stroke also occur and you can also fall badly ill. … Read more

Make sure to pack these things before going on a trip… the fun of the vacation will double

Make sure to pack these things before going on a trip… the fun of the vacation will double

Vacation Tips: Celebrating vacation with family in summer vacation has its own fun. Its preparations start months in advance. Which place to go. Which hotel to stay in. Where to roam What to do shopping. Etc. etc… This whole list is prepared beforehand. However, in the process of excitement, we often forget to keep some … Read more

Protection is not only from sunlight, sunscreen does this work! Know the right way to apply

Protection is not only from sunlight, sunscreen does this work!  Know the right way to apply

Summer Skin Care: The summer season has come with the scorching sun, in such a situation everyone should be aware of how important it is to apply sunscreen. The benefits of sunscreen give more benefits than protecting your skin from the sun. Apart from this, it is necessary to include sunscreen in your skin care … Read more

Whether it is sunny or rain or cloudy, it is necessary to apply ‘sunscreen’ in every season! but why?

Whether it is sunny or rain or cloudy, it is necessary to apply ‘sunscreen’ in every season!  but why?

Sunscreen Benefits: Sunscreen works to protect you from many skin related problems. Although most people believe that it should be used only for the purpose of protection from sunlight. However, it is not like that. You should not use it only to avoid the sun’s rays, but it should be applied in every season. Sunscreen … Read more

Buy sunscreen according to skin, keep these things in mind while buying

Buy sunscreen according to skin, keep these things in mind while buying

How To Buy Sunscreen: People use sunscreen to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. If your sunscreen is good, then it gives a protective layer over the skin. Sunscreen helps to protect you from dangerous UV rays. In summer, the sun depletes the moisture and nourishment of the skin, but this … Read more