If you have any respiratory disease, do not consume this thing, even by mistake, it could be harmful.

A respiratory disease that affects the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. Respiratory diseases can be caused by infections, smoking, or inhaling secondhand tobacco smoke, radon, asbestos, or other forms of air pollution. Respiratory diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer.

It is also called lung disorder and lung disease. Factors that increase the risk of respiratory disease include smoking (including secondhand smoke), air pollution, allergies, and occupational exposures. Outdoor air pollution and indoor air pollution (often from cooking with solid fuels) are also common causes.

Due to the increase in pollution, severe respiratory diseases are being seen even among youngsters these days. Corona infected people may have recovered but they still have to face severe respiratory diseases due to climate change. If you are suffering from respiratory disease, your problem gets worse due to asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. You can relieve your respiratory problems by changing your eating habits and avoiding certain things. Know what are the things that respiratory patients should not eat.

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1-Peanuts- Respiratory patients should not consume too much peanuts. Often, peanuts also cause allergies. Asthma can also be caused by allergies. So in such a situation, consume peanuts sparingly, but before consuming anything, make sure that it is not harmful.

2- Milk- By the way, milk is very beneficial but. is considered harmful for asthma patients. Often, after drinking milk, respiratory patients suffer from cough, sore throat and difficulty breathing. So it is better not to consume milk.

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3-Salt-It is always said that any excess in quantity proves to be bad for health. Similarly, excess salt also harms the body. Consumption of salt causes swelling of the throat, due to which there is difficulty in breathing.

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4- Alcohol– Sulfite is present in wine and beer, which causes bad breath Difficult to take. Therefore, an asthmatic patient should not consume both alcohol and beer at all.

5- Eggs – Eggs contain certain elements that cause problems in the lungs. Therefore, respiratory patients are absolutely forbidden to eat eggs.

6-Soy– Soy also sometimes causes allergies. Allergy to anything turns out to be the most harmful for an asthmatic patient. You should consume soy thoughtfully.

7- Fish- It is good for those who do not eat vegetables, but for those who eat non-vegetarians, it is absolutely necessary. consuming fish should stop. Asthma patients are advised to avoid fish.

8- Betel nut – Betel nut consumption is said to be harmful to lung patients. Asthma patients should not consume betel nut regularly.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert..

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