Do your bones make a cracking sound? This may be a serious disease

Bones sound causes And Treatment: Many times the body warns about diseases or problems that may come. Sometimes such symptoms are seen which point towards serious diseases. If there is a sound of cracking bones in your body. Your bones make a sound while walking, so do not ignore it. Cracking of bones is a sign of serious problems in the body. Although many times the sound starts coming from the bones suddenly or like this, but in most cases the sound of cracking from the bones is a sign of weak bones or arthritis. This shows that there is a problem going on in the joints.

Why does the sound of cracking come from the bones?
Doctors say that as the age increases, the cartilage of the joints deteriorates, due to which such sound comes. However, this happens when there is pain or swelling in your joints. If you have had surgery and after that the sound is coming from the bones or after the injury there is sound coming from the bones, then see the doctor.

3 causes and diseases of bone sound
1- Muscle damage- It has been said in a research that due to muscle strain, the sound of cracking can come from the bones. If you have this problem then understand that there is tension in the muscles.
2- Loss of cartilage- With age, there is a cracking sound from the bones, then there may be a problem of thick joints. In such a situation, the sound comes from the bones and joints.
3- Arthritis- Arthritis is a disease that worsens the joints with age. Arthritis can destroy the cartilage, due to which such a sound can come from the bones.

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how to defend
1- If you have this problem then first get your physical checkup done.
2- Be active regularly and keep doing some exercise.
3- Do some stretching daily, it will give relief.
4- Try to keep the mind and body calm.
5- Sometimes joint exercises can also be done for protection.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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