Easy way to feed dry fruits to kids

Dry Fruits For Kids: Nowadays feeding healthy things to children is no less than a task. In such a situation, every mother is worried about how to include dry fruits in the diet of growing children. Dryfruits and nuts are very important for the health of children. Eating dryfruits strengthens immunity. Dry fruits are also necessary for the development of children’s brain. Dry fruits contain nutrients like zinc, magnesium, omega-3 which keep the body away from diseases. If children do not eat dry fruits, then you can easily include efruits and nuts by making some changes in their diet.

How to feed dry fruits to babies

Children can be fed dry fruits by mixing them in jam. You can feed jam containing dry fruits by applying it on bread or roti.
Children love puddings and brownies, you can make pudding for children by adding dry fruits at home.
If you do not understand something, then melt the favorite chocolate of the children and feed it by mixing dry fruits in it.
You can feed the children by making chaat of dry fruits. It can include dry fruits like almonds, peanuts, figs and makhana.
If you want, make powder by grinding cashews, pistachios, almonds and walnuts for children. It can be fed by adding it to porridge, oats or cerelac.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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