These things contain more calcium than milk, there will be no lack of calcium in the body

Non Dairy Calcium Rich Foods: People who are vegetarian often do not understand what to consume other than dairy products like milk and curd to supply essential nutrients like calcium, calcium is the most abundant mineral present in the body, It is very important for health, it builds bones and teeth and plays a big role in heart health, muscle function and nerve signal, milk has a good amount of calcium, i.e. it provides daily calcium intake. 25% of the need is met, most adults aged 19 to 50 require 1,000 mg of calcium per day, for which everyone should consume cheese, yogurt, milk, as these contain the most calcium, if If you do not like these things, then you can meet your daily calcium intake with these foods.

Badam Milk- By eating almonds, you can also fulfill the deficiency of calcium in your body, for this soak at least 12 almonds at night, and eat them after peeling them in the morning, while eating almonds, chew them very well. After reaching the intestines, it is easy to grind them and absorb their properties well in the body, if you want, you can also make almond milk and consume it.

Gooseberry- Amla has antioxidant properties, which protect the body from infection, along with it, calcium is found in abundance in it, which increases the body’s immunity, drinking its juice benefits the whole body, You can consume its juice on an empty stomach in the morning.

ragi- Ragi is a type of grain, in which calcium is found in abundance, it is consumed in the form of flour, by consuming one cup of ragi daily, the body gets enough calcium, ragi is consumed in the form of halwa in the morning. You can consume it, and can also make cheela from it.

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Sprouted Moong- In addition to being rich in protein, sprouted moong is also rich in calcium, and it is necessary to have immunity to protect the body from any virus, sprouted moong contains vitamin C, and it helps in the production of white blood cells in the body. Increases production, which helps fight infection.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

read this also: Lack of protein can cause malnutrition in children, know which diseases are at risk

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