Healthy Eating Tips WHO: Know which rice consumption can prevent cancer

Benefits of Brown RiceThere are many varieties of rice found in India and they are cooked and consumed in some form or the other in every household. The nutrients found in rice are beneficial for health in many ways. The variety of white rice found in the market is now polished in many ways, due to which its nutrients are reduced, as well as the chemicals used during polishing harm our health somewhere. That’s why today we have come to tell you about brown rice. Which now dieticians or nutrition experts recommend to include in the diet.

Let us tell you that many types of serious diseases are removed by the daily consumption of brown rice. Like cancer, reducing obesity, it helps in removing severe pain in the body and even diabetes. Therefore, to keep yourself healthy, from today onwards, instead of white rice, place brown rice in your kitchen.

Brown rice is good for heart
Serious diseases like heart attack, heart attack and cardiac arrest are kept away by the consumption of brown rice. Even doctors recommend eating brown rice to those who have gained weight.

reduces diabetes
Diabetes patients should include brown rice in their diet from today itself. It keeps blood sugar under control and it is very easy to digest.

removes cholesterol
Brown rice keeps cholesterol levels under control. Not only this, the level of good cholesterol increases due to its consumption, as well as its consumption purifies the blood of the whole body.

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How does it protect against cancer
There are many types of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer, mouth cancer, dental cancer etc. To avoid all this, you should consume brown rice instead of white rice.

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