If there is frequent loss of blood, then understand that blood cancer is moving towards you, these are the symptoms

Welfare of Cancer Patients Day: The name cancer itself scares me. But its formation in the body is like a hidden rust. According to Cancer Specialists, people who get tested regularly. Only they get to know about cancer. The rest is detected at the third or fourth stage of cancer. Blood cancer is also one of such cancers. The effect of changing in the blood is not visible on the body and by the time it starts appearing, it is too late. Blood is decreasing again and again, it is becoming less. Or if more infection has come in the blood test, then understand that it is a sign of blood cancer. Doctors say that if this happens, get it checked immediately.

Why does blood cancer happen?
Today is World Rose Day. Today, on the day celebrated about cancer awareness, we know the types of blood cancer, symptoms, causes and prevention. The onset of blood cancer is associated with changes in the cells present in the body. This change takes place in the blood or bone marrow. It is considered the primary infection of blood cancer. This infection later spreads throughout the body. Then there comes a situation when these blood cancer cells do not finish and keep on growing.

What is the type of blood cancer
Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma cancer are considered to be of three special types. Consider them a little deep.

1- Leukemia: Leukemia cancer itself is also of four types.

acute leukemia

When the cells of blood and bone marrow start growing very fast and start accumulating in blood and bone marrow. The same is the case with acute leukemia.

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chronic leukemia
The process of formation of some undeveloped cells in the body gets accelerated. It grows very rapidly over time. It is very painful if treatment is not received.

lymphocytic leukemia
In this situation, the cells of the bone marrow start turning into white cells. The number of white cells reaches millions very rapidly.

myelogenous leukemia
Apart from red blood cells and white blood cells, platelets start to be produced very rapidly by bone marrow cells.

2. Lymphoma
The number of lymphocytes increases very rapidly. It is known by taking a blood test. Its expansion is slowed down a bit by medicine and radiation therapy. Surgery is the only treatment when it grows more.

Plasma cells are a type of white blood cells in the bone marrow. In this condition, a group of plasma cells starts growing rapidly by taking cancer cells. It can damage bones, immune system, kidneys and blood red cells.

Know the symptoms too
Fatigue, Loss of appetite, Swelling in stomach, Infection of mouth, throat, skin and lungs, Loss of weight without any reason, Frequent fever, Excessive pain in bones and muscles, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Swelling in the jaw, itching and spots on the skin are the symptoms of blood cancer.

If you have symptoms, see a doctor
If the body is giving indications like blood cancer, then immediately show it to the doctor. The doctor confirms whether there is cancer or not by conducting blood and other tests. Later treatment is started with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and drugs. The doctor also sees whether the cancer is in the first, second or advanced stage. On that basis the patient is treated.

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