Bile duct cancer can occur at any age from child to elderly, identify the symptoms like this

Bile Duct Cancer Causes: Bile duct cancer is a fatal cancer that attacks the bile duct. The bile duct is a system of tubes that lead to the small intestine. The initial symptoms and signs of this cancer are normal. However, this cancer can be cured with treatment if the early symptoms are identified in time. Any symptoms of bile duct cancer are usually caused by a blockage of the bile duct. This cancer can happen to anyone. But most of the people who consume cigarettes or alcohol have a higher risk of getting this cancer. You can identify bile duct cancer through these initial symptoms.

Itching: Most bile duct cancer patients feel itchy as excessive bilirubin levels in the skin can make a person itch.

Jaundice: Jaundice is the most common symptom of bile duct cancer, despite the fact that it is often unrelated to cancer.

Change in color of urine: If the level of bilirubin in the blood is high, dark colored urine can be a sign of bile duct cancer. The color of urine is strange.

Loss of appetite and weight gain:​ People with bile duct cancer may lose their appetite and lose weight without any reason.

Abdominal pain: Bile duct cancer may cause mild to moderate abdominal pain in the early stages, but larger tumors may cause more severe pain, especially on the right side below the ribs.

Vomiting and Nausea: These symptoms may appear in people who develop cholangitis as a result of bile duct obstruction. Vomiting and nausea accompany the symptoms of fever.

How to identify bile duct cancer

Diagnosing bile duct cancer can be challenging, but CT scan of the abdomen, MRCP, gastrointestinal endoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), cholangioscopy, and endoscopic ultrasonography can confirm the cancer. Endoscopy can be used to locate the bile duct and any problems with it while the patient is sedated during the EUS precise ultrasound scan. Patients undergoing ERCP may get an injection of a special dye. A small scope is inserted into the bile duct during a cholangioscopy study to get a closer look at the cancer. Depending on the stage of cancer, the patient may be asked for chemotherapy or surgery. Endoscopic techniques can cure jaundice. To avoid bile duct cancer, daily exercise and healthy diet should be taken.

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Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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