Diabetes can happen even at the age of 20, these are the reasons… minor changes in lifestyle

Diabetes In Young Age: Nowadays, people are becoming victims of diabetes at an early age. Recently, there have been some cases in which Type-2 diabetes has been found at the age of 20. Generally, this type of diabetes occurs only after 40 years, but now it is making young people its victims, which is a matter of concern. There is not one but many reasons for this.

Diabetes cases have increased under the age of 30

A research published in the BMJ Journal shows that in the last 20 years, it has been found that the cases of type-2 diabetes have doubled in people under the age of 30 years. Due to this, problems have been seen in the heart, liver and eyes of the youth. Every year around 4 lakh people die in this age group worldwide indirectly due to diabetes. Come let’s know what is the ultimate reason for diabetes at a young age…

Causes of type-2 diabetes at a young age

when the pancreas stops making insulin

According to endocrinologists, there is pancreas in the body, when it stops making insulin, then type-2 diabetes occurs. In this disease, insulin is produced in less quantity as per the requirement, due to which instead of sugar cells, it starts going into the blood and the sugar level in the blood increases.

Obesity is also the reason

Obesity is also a major factor in type-2 diabetes. When the body weight increases, the amount of fat in the tissue can increase. Because of this, resistance to insulin can occur. However, this does not happen in every case, but obesity can be a major risk factor for type-2 diabetes.

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distance from exercise

If daily exercise is not done, then the muscles of the body start getting weak and the weight starts increasing. Because of this, the risk of developing diabetes increases. That’s why workouts should be a part of the routine.

genetic factors

Due to someone having diabetes in the family, it can also reach the second generation. Means the cause of diabetes can also be genetic. That’s why health should be taken care of completely.

What to do to avoid diabetes

  • Take the right diet, pay special attention to food.
  • Exercise every day.
  • Keep BP under control.
  • Do not let the body weight increase.

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