Plum Benefits: 6 Reasons to Make Sweet and Tangy Aloo Bukhara Your Fruit of the Month

Ti is the season of Aloo Bukhara or plums. It’s time to add more colors to the fruit bowl with plums, here’s why,

The seasons change and so does the variety of fruits that are available in the market. With the monsoon just around the corner, aloo bukhara, or plums as we say in English, adorn vendor carts and market crates in their reddish-purple colors. This succulent fruit is in the rosacea family and ranges from sour to super juicy.

This sweet yet tart fruit has several health benefits. A powerhouse of nutrients, these can be eaten both fresh and dried. Dried plums are also known as prunes and they have different benefits.

5 Benefits of Plums or Aloo Bukhara

  1. Anti-inflammatory: Prunes have protective plant compounds that may possess some anti-inflammatory properties that could further help reduce the risk of diseases like obesity, diabetes, etc.
  2. Rich in antioxidants: Both plums and prunes fight to reduce cell damage with their antioxidant properties. According to a report from saludline, “They are particularly rich in antioxidant polyphenols, which have positive effects on bone health and may help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.”
  3. Help with constipation: Prunes contain isatin and sorbitol, which help relieve constipation and improve digestion. It also keeps the intestine healthy. Prunes also contain a high amount of insoluble fiber, which means it doesn’t mix with water, which prevents constipation by adding bulk to your stool.
  4. Helps reduce sugar levels: Prunes have properties that can help control blood sugar. Despite being quite high in carbohydrates, plums do not seem to cause a substantial spike in blood sugar levels after eating them. This is attributed to its potential to increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone that plays a role in regulating blood sugar. Additionally, the fiber in prunes may be partly responsible for their effects on blood sugar.
  5. Heart Health Benefits: Prunes are a rich source of potassium, fluoride and iron. Potassium, as an important component of cell and body fluids, helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
  6. Anticancer Agents: Prunes are high in unique phytonutrients or their anti-cancer agents called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. These phenols have been found to kill breast cancer cells, without harming healthy cells.
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While these are some of the basic benefits of Aloo Bukhara, they also help with vision and keep certain diseases at bay as they are rich in vitamins and minerals. While most of us keep talking about how an apple a day can keep the doctor away, adding more colors to the fruit bowl can help keep you healthier this season!

Published Date: June 3, 2023 9:29 AM IST




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