Are certain fruits healthier than others? – Harvard Health

Are certain fruits healthier than others? – Harvard Health

In the US, we are fortunate to have an incredible variety of fruits that fill our grocery stores year-round. They come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, and we’ve all heard of the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. So what are we eating them for? And how does the nutritional value … Read more

Why playing a sport is a great way to maintain your fitness

Why playing a sport is a great way to maintain your fitness

With the weather still very nice and some restrictions eased, this is probably the best time to go beyond training and play sports to keep your lifestyle active, fun and interesting. A 1993 study published in the Sports Behavior Magazine compared differences in motivation for sport and exercise. The researchers found that people who play … Read more

Award to encourage original research on women’s mental health by OBGs

Award to encourage original research on women’s mental health by OBGs

Minds United for Health Sciences and Humanity, an NGO also known as the Minds United Trust, has instituted an award for original research on women’s health by graduate students in obstetrics and gynecology. In a statement here, Minds United Trust, Mysuru, said the recent death of a relative of a senior politician had drawn attention … Read more

Body builders to be put through their paces

Body builders to be put through their paces

BODYBUILDERS are being invited to participate in a competition later this year. The International Bodybuilding and Fitness Association UK (IBFA UK) has announced that it will accept entrants for its Northern Qualifiers on Sunday 24th April in Gateshead and on 29th May at the Carnegie Theater in workington. The qualifiers are for the main competition … Read more

Assessment and Treatment of Dietary and Mental Health Concerns in Youth With NAFLD

Assessment and Treatment of Dietary and Mental Health Concerns in Youth With NAFLD

Adolescents with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) often have emotional and behavioral concerns associated with their disease; evaluation and treatment of these dietary and mental health problems is vital, according to a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Although unhealthy eating behaviors (UEB) and NAFLD have been associated with symptoms of … Read more