Childhood Obesity: Know Why Preventing Excessive Weight Gain in Kids is Critical

Childhood obesity is rapidly becoming a major health problem. In most cases, it is a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and can lead to complications in the future – such as diabetes, cardiovascular, arthritis and many other associated health disorders.Also Read – Diabetes and skin problems: 5 expert-backed tips on how to prevent skin problems in diabetes

A poor diet with high levels of fat or sugar and few beneficial nutrients can cause children to gain weight quickly. Fast food, candy and soft drinks, along with convenience foods, such as frozen dinners, salty snacks and ready-made pasta, are common culprits and contribute to unhealthy weight gain. Also Read – Diet Plan for Weight Gain: 5 Foods for Healthy Weight Gain

Along with changing diets and physical activity levels, overweight and obesity are also emerging problems, especially among urban dwellers and affluent households. Consumption of processed foods high in fat and sugar is increasing, and teenagers and adults are becoming increasingly sedentary. A report by UNICEF India states that overweight and obesity in adolescent girls is associated with obesity in adult women, which increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension and childhood overweight and obesity. Also Read – Diabetes Diet: Is Jamun (Indian Blackberry) Good or Bad for Diabetics? Here’s what we know

“Another cause of childhood obesity may be lack of physical activity. People of all ages gain weight when they are less active. Exercise burns calories and helps you maintain a healthy weight. “Children who are not encouraged to be active are less likely to burn extra calories through sports, playground time or other forms of physical activity,” says Dr. Ravi GaurCOO (Oncquest Laboratories Limited).

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Children and adolescents who are bored, stressed, or depressed eat more to cope with negative emotions.


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