Commentary: Watch the salt intake from your food. Too much can kill

The exact processes that lead to high blood pressure from consuming large amounts of sodium are not fully understood. However, we know that it is due to physiological changes that occur in the body to tightly control sodium and fluid levels in the body.

This involves changes in the way the kidneys, heart, nervous system, and fluid-regulating hormones respond to increased sodium levels in our bodies.

It is necessary to keep a tight control on sodium levels because sodium affects the membranes of all the individual cells in your body. Healthy membranes allow the movement of nutrients in and out of cells and signals through the nervous system, for example messages from the brain to other parts of your body.

Dietary salt is necessary for these processes. However, most of us consume much, much more than we need.

When we eat too much salt, it increases sodium levels in the blood. The body responds by removing more fluid into the blood to keep the sodium concentration at the correct level. However, as the volume of fluid increases, the pressure against the walls of the blood vessels increases, leading to high blood pressure.


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