Continuous itching in the skin, do not ignore these initial symptoms of bile duct cancer

Bile Duct Cancer: Bile duct cancer, also known as cholangiocarcinoma, is a malignant cancer that affects the bile duct. A network of tubes that originate in the liver and lead to the small intestine make up the bile duct. The early symptoms of this cancer are common. However, early detection of this cancer can reduce its risk. If there are any symptoms of bile duct cancer, they are very common. The presence of intrahepatic or extrahepatic ductal carcinoma is usually characterized by specific symptoms, which may include:


The most common symptom of bile duct cancer is jaundice, yet in most cases, this condition is not related to cancer. Jaundice occurs when bile, which contains the greenish-yellow chemical bilirubin.


Dr. Vishnu Abhishek Raju, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Gleneagles Global Hospital City, Chennai, says, “Most bile duct cancer patients have itching because there is too much bilirubin in the skin which can cause the person to scratch.

dark urine and abdominal pain

High blood bilirubin levels can cause dark urine, which can be a sign of bile duct cancer. Early stage bile duct cancer may cause minor pain in the abdomen, but larger tumors may cause more severe pain, especially on the right side under the ribs.

fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss

People who have bile duct cancer may not feel hungry. Bile duct cancer patients often have fever.

vomiting and nausea

These are not common symptoms of bile duct cancer, but they can occur in people who develop cholangitis as a result of a bile duct obstruction. These symptoms are usually accompanied by fever.

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