Easy ways to improve your mental health as an entrepreneur

ByZarafshan ShirazDelhi

Healthy Lifestyle options have immense advantages such as a reduced risk of chronic diseases and increased longevity that’s why, self care Activities or instilling a habit to feel good or happy emotionally, physically and mentally should be done regularly or become part of the routine. Self-care can include avoiding habits that affect mood and emotional well-being or being as small as sleeping on time, drinking plenty of water, and applying sunscreen, as they go a long way towards a person taking care of their body, skin, mental health etc.

Speaking about creating a self-care routine for entrepreneurs, Ajeet Kumar Singh, MD, CEO and co-founder of SAVE Solutions Pvt Ltd, shared in an interview with HT Lifestyle: “Maintaining a healthy morning routine can go a long way in ensuring a good mental health. Getting up early in the morning can help start the day with a positive mindset. Following a morning exercise regimen can help an entrepreneur prepare for the many decisions that need to be made throughout the day. Listening to podcasts or talks given by motivational speakers can also help increase positivity and create affirmative thoughts. These habits, along with a regular reading habit to stay on top of industry trends, can help alleviate the many stresses entrepreneurs face on a daily basis.”

Bhaskar Ganguli, Director of Marketing and Sales at Mass Software Solutions Pvt Ltd, stated that mental well-being is vital for any entrepreneur as it acts as a catalyst that enables a person to make bold and confident decisions in life. He suggested: “For good mental health, entrepreneurs can start the day early and exercise for at least 45 minutes a day. Staying active keeps your mind fresh and vibrant all day. Scheduling the day before and having a to-do list is also one of the ways to stay stress-free and manage time efficiently. Building a strong and supportive team in the office also helps in many ways, reinforcing that you are not alone. Getting a sound sleep at night and indulging in some of your favorite hobbies will keep you stress-free and mentally healthy.”

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According to Aakanksha Bhargava, CEO of PM Relocations Pvt Ltd, mental health is one of the most underrated and overlooked keys to business success. She highlighted: “With the never-ending challenges and ongoing pressure to have consistent income, growth, quality of work, and build a reliable team, entrepreneurs tend to overlook their mental health. To take care of their mental health, entrepreneurs should take some simple steps like avoiding checking work emails at night, instead they can watch some funny videos that lighten their mood and make them happy and go to bed with that thought. You can give yourself 10 minutes in the morning to line up or plan your day. Starting the day early will keep them fresh and active all day, and they will have more substance and patience for the rest of the day. Spending one day of the week with your friends and family will energize you and help you get through the rest of the week.”


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