From cholesterol to uric acid, these spices kept in the kitchen are not lower than any medication

It is believed that certain spices rich in spices such as turmeric tea, ginger tea, cinnamon tea and hibiscus tea are very beneficial to control cholesterol. Today we will talk about certain spices through which you can control cholesterol. Turmeric is rich in curcumin which has inflammation and antioxidant properties of the body which control the level of cholesterol. Hibiscus tea based on dry petals of hibiscus flowers not only gives freshness, but is also effective in reducing cholesterol levels.

However, you can control it to a large extent with the right diet and certain home remedies. Today, we tell you about a few so effective things, then immediately reduce the increase in bad cholesterol in your body. Let us know what foods can reduce cholesterol levels.

Home remedies to reduce cholesterol

1- Eat garlic– If the bed cholesterol is increased in your body, you should eat raw garlic on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to bed at night. Garlic contains an element called Ellison that reduces bad cholesterol. The blood pressure is also controlled by eating garlic.

2- Drinking green tea– Green tea is very beneficial for our health. It contains elements that are good for health. Drinking green tea increases metabolism daily and helps reduce cholesterol. Green tea also controls your weight.

3- Eat flax seeds – Real seeds contain linolenic acid, which directly attacks bad cholesterol. By eating flax seeds, the body obtains many powerful elements. The real contains omega 3 fatty acids. All these elements reduce cholesterol.

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4- Eat the redcurrant– Amla is called SuperFood. Amla also helps reduce cholesterol. You eat amla powder daily. This provides animo acids and antioxidants, which eliminate bad cholesterol. ALA also helps to increase immunity.

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5- Turmented milk– Those who have a high cholesterol level should drink turmeric milk daily. Turmeric contains elements that reduce bed cholesterol. Turmented milk also makes immunity strong. You should drink turmeric milk daily.

Warning: Here, the information provided here is based solely on beliefs and information. It is important to say here No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the expert concerned.

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