Going Vegan? Indulging in Vegan Cheese May Have Adverse Effect on Your Health- Here’s Why

Planning to go vegan? There is a vegetarian option available for everything on the market these days, be it meat or milk. Vegan products and veganism have started gaining popularity in India. One of the hardest things to give up is cheese. But fortunately, there are a variety of vegan cheeses available in grocery stores. According to a report in ConversationNot all vegan cheese is good and it can have some adverse effects on your health.Also read – Explained: What is Veganism? Vegan Food Regulations of India | Watch the video

People often think that vegetarian cheese may have nutritional value but it is not. Manufacturers make vegan cheeses that contain starch and vegetable oils સામાન્ય usually coconut and sometimes palm oil, the report said. Starch and oil are not what you are looking for, are you? Also read – Father’s Day 2022: Surprise Your Dad With This Delicious Chocolate Count | Inside the recipe

The report further states that when we eat starch, it breaks down in our intestines and turns into sugar. Over time, excessive starch can lead to weight gain or diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. And vegetable oils are worse. Did you know that coconut oil is made from saturated fat? This saturated fat can also increase the level of bad LDL cholesterol in the blood, which can increase the risk of heart disease. Also read – Weight Loss Diet: Try a plant-based diet plan to keep your weight in check

In fact, many reports in the past have claimed that coconut oil is healthy, but it turns out that coconut oil increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

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The report says that due to the high levels of coconut oil in some vegetarian cheeses, even a moderately sized portion (30 grams) is around one-third of a person’s total recommended daily allowance for saturated fat.

Well, the report also does not justify eating dairy cheese. Dairy is also high in saturated fat but it has been proven that dairy cheese does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Impact on health:

Before you add that vegan cheese to your daily diet, please note that it contains no protein. The report says that people who have replaced animal-based products with vegetarian diets may have poor bone health. Vegetarian cheeses are deficient in calcium and vitamin D. It can also lead to heart disease and cancer.


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