Having a lazy day? How it can work wonders for your mental health

we always feel guilty about taking one, but one lazy day it can actually do wonders for our mental health and make us more productive in the long run. According to experts, having at least one rest day a week can help reduce stress, high blood pressure and improve our well-being. So what exactly is a lazy day? Basically, this means not doing anything on your to-do list, not checking work-related emails, not answering work calls, being in your pajamas all day, taking a nap, doing things things you really like: gardening, watching your favorite movie or show, doing arts and crafts, eating well without worrying about calories, and enjoying all the simple pleasures in life. (Also read:5 psychological reasons why you feel lazy all the time)

Having a lazy day gives your brain a break and your body a chance to recover. It also reduces stress, which could help you be more productive on days off. It’s also an easy way to prevent burnout and susceptibility to chronic disease.

“If you don’t choose a day to relax, your body will choose it for you. You know that’s true. If you admit it to yourself. Relaxing really is a precursor to being more productive. We often think productivity means work. It doesn’t.” Productivity means making intentional decisions toward a goal. And sometimes that choice might be to have a day off and recharge. After all, we’re called human beings, not human actions! 100 mph 24 hours a day , 7 days a week without stopping to breathe and enjoy our surroundings. You can optimize your sleep, your food, your gut, your energy, but unless you have some free time, sit back and do nothing and reflect and appreciate where it’s at, you’re never going to repair or operate properly,” says Tim Gray, health optimization biohacker, psychology specialist, entrepreneur, and global speaker in his recent Instagram post.

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Stress can kill and it’s important to take a break (Unsplash)



If you’ve been feeling down for a long time, it could be because of all the built-up stress that you couldn’t address.

“Stress really does kill, and taking days off can save you from a lifetime of unexplained physical and mental problems and chronic illness,” says Gray.


Do you work even on your days off and still wonder why your work performance is plummeting? Well, that’s because all the work and no play makes Jack a boring boy.

“Taking some time off to recharge will allow you to perform much better and more efficiently in the long run,” says Gray.


It is important to spend time with your friends and loved ones (Pexels)
It is important to spend time with your friends and loved ones (Pexels)

“That means better cognitive ability, creativity, and willpower. Plus a lot less stress, better mood, and better results overall,” says Gray.


– Gray suggests that you schedule your work hours and respect personal hours and know when to unplug, no matter how motivated your mission is.

“Stop constantly checking your emails and text messages and being available all the time,” says the expert.

– Stay away, even if it’s just for a day.

“People who go on vacation have less stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals,” says Gray.

However, the expert warns that you should not be a lazy procrastinator, since it would not serve you either. “Be mission-driven, but know when you need time to focus on yourself,” he says.

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