Health Myth Busted: Can You Eat After 7 pm And Still Lose Weight? Here’s What You Should Know

Weight Loss Tips : While it is good practice to eat your food at the right time, it is not always practical. Many people skip dinner altogether and go to bed hungry. While they believe this will help them lose weight, it actually does more harm than good in the long run. Eating late at night is often associated with weight gain. Because of the fear of gaining extra kilos, some people set a time limit to stop eating after 7 pm, however, this is a myth. In fact, your body is a machine that constantly burns calories. Eating after 7 pm is expected to make you gain weight or gain weight.Also read – Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice: From Reducing the Risk of Urinary Tract Infections to Preventing Hair Loss and More!

So here’s the deal, you can eat after 7pm and lose weight too:

Eat your highest calorie meal first thing in the morning, what you eat is more important than when you eat it. Make sure you have a choice Being carbohydrate Morning or evening. Also. Try to eat in moderation. Also read – Yoga for weight loss: 6 asanas help you burn belly fat

Make sure your plate is well balanced with plenty of fiber, vegetables, protein and healthy fats. Try to keep it A well-balanced diet So that you feel full throughout the day. Try adding more protein and fewer carbohydrates to your diet. Also read – Weight Loss Diet: Try a plant-based diet plan to keep your weight in check

It is recommended to go for it Short 10-15 minute walk To help with digestion and metabolism after dinner. Eat at least 3 hours before bed to give your body enough time to digest food.

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Avoid high calorie, Sugary foods Such as ice cream and cookies. Fruits and whole grain cereals are high in fiber and have more vitamins and nutrients than sugary snacks. Do not wait more than five hours between meals to avoid nighttime hunger.

Some people do not feel so hungry in the morning and they prefer to have a big meal at the end of the day. Allow yourself Have a light meal If you prefer to go to bed satisfied, then in the evening there may be a better, more sustainable trick to help keep you on track.

Please keep in mind that the goal is not to eat late, but to eat at a time that works for you and adheres to the following principles.


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