Here Are 4 Benefits of Buttermilk And Why You Should Include in Your Lunch Everyday in Summers

The winter season is almost fading and summer is finally here. Summer has its own blessings and benefits. Heaven always has a little trouble. During this time, it is important to stay hydrated and drink healthy juices and shakes. On one side is fruit juice and on the other side is a glass of cold buttermilk. A good day always ends with a glass of buttermilk.Also read – Struggling with weight and PCOS? Expert shares 5 helpful tips for weight loss

Taking it to Instagram, Dr. Diksha Bhavsar Ayurveda expert, shared important benefits of drinking buttermilk in summer. A quote from the caption reads, “The one who uses Takra every day does not suffer from diseases, and the diseases cured by Takra do not recur; Takra is for human beings as nectar is for the gods.” Also read – Know Your Shoes: Leading Orthopedic Problems That Happen In Women Due To Wrong Footwear

Check out the Instagram post

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Here are the health benefits of drinking buttermilk

  • According to Ayurveda experts, buttermilk helps in maintaining health and treating diseases.
  • Dr. “Butter milk is easy to digest, has a pungent and sour taste and is warm in nature,” says Diksa.
  • Buttermilk helps improve digestion.
  • “In Ayurvedic treatment, it is useful in the treatment of inflammation, digestive disorders, gastro-intestinal disorders, loss of appetite, spleen disorders and anemia,” writes Dr. Dixa.

How to make buttermilk?

  • Take 1/4 cup yogurt in a bowl and add one cup water.
  • Add salt to taste. Add 1/2 tsp roasted cumin powder.
  • Mix the ingredients well using a hand blender or churner.
  • Garnish with coriander, mint leaves and curry leaves.
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Dr. “The best time to use: a glass of buttermilk goes best with your lunch,” says Diksa.


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