If Walking Is Keeping You Sane Right Now, These 15 Funny Tweets Are For You

the world can crumbling around us, but at least we have our silly little rides, mental health rides, hot chick rides, or whatever the hell you want to call them… right?

But, like all good things in life, walking isn’t perfect. There’s the very act of needing to get out of bed to do it to begin with. There is also the idea (read: myth) that you need to take 10,000 steps a day to be successful. Then there is the fact that eventually the walk has to end, bringing us back to reality.

The love of walking, and the love of growling, has seeped into Twitter. If you’re someone who likes to walk, or at least begrudgingly understand the benefits of doing so, we’ve collected a few tweets from soulmates who feel the same way. Scroll through some relatable shots.


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