If you want to get good sleep then adopt these postures

How To Sleep Better: Adequate and good quality sleep is very important for a healthy lifestyle of human beings. Because sleep prepares the body for the next day by relieving the person’s body from the fatigue of the whole day. That’s why it is very important to adopt the right posture to get a better and sound sleep. Sleeping in the right position can provide you many health benefits, while sleeping in the wrong position can harm your health. Know what should be the correct posture of sleeping for good health from Dr. Vinod, Senior Doctor of Ayurveda.

sleeping on back
Sleeping on the back is more beneficial for health. Because it helps in maintaining the health of your spinal cord. At the same time, it also maintains the posture of your body, which reduces unnecessary pressure on your back and joints. However, people who have a slightly enlarged abdomen, they do not feel comfortable in this pose because they feel difficulty in breathing due to the weight of the stomach.

sleeping on your side
Sleeping on the side is beneficial for the body. Sleeping on your side reduces your snoring, as well as helps in getting relief from heartburn. Not only this, it is also very good for your digestion. If you sleep on your side, then you should sleep on your left side.

sleeping on stomach
If you sleep on your stomach, then keep in mind that always use thin pillows for sleeping. This is because the use of thin pillows will not cause much problem in your neck and head and by doing this you can get a sound sleep. Sleeping on your stomach can help reduce your snoring and can prove to be extremely helpful for people with sleep apnea.

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Fetal position sleep in
Gold is most popular in this currency. It is not only comfortable but also helps in getting relief from lower back pain. This mudra is very good for pregnant women. Also, this mudra is also helpful in reducing snoring during sleep.

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