I’m a doctor and here are the 12 food myths you need to know

WHEN it comes to what’s on your plate, it can be hard to distinguish between what’s right and what’s wrong.

Food is there to fuel us and give us energy, but with so much misinformation it can be hard to know what’s really good for you.


Dr. Siyamak Saleh exposed the biggest food myths and separated fact from fictionCredit: tiktok/dr.siya

Publish in tik tok A doctor has put the top 12 food myths to bed once and for all.

1. Does calcium give you strong bones?

Dr Siyamak Saleh It started with one of the most common sayings, which is that milk strengthens bones.

Many people think this is the case, since there is a large amount of calcium in milk.

The NHS says that milk and dairy products, such as cheese and yoghurt, are excellent sources of protein and calcium, but adds that the fat in dairy products can add up.

Dr Saleh added: “Multiple studies found no link between milk and strong bones/fractures.

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“Some studies found that fractures are more frequent with higher milk consumption.”

2. Is Himalayan salt better than other salts?

You may have heard that Himalayan salt is preferred by foodies, but Dr. Saleh said it’s no better than regular salt.

He explained: “Himalayan salt has more minerals, but they are in such a small amount that it doesn’t make any difference.”

It is important that you control your salt intake, as a diet high in salt (or sodium) can cause an increase in blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, says the NHS.

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3. it does does eating fat make you fat?

Fat is an essential part of our diet as it is a source of essential fatty acids, which the body cannot produce on its own.

Dr. Saleh said that eating fatty foods won’t actually make you fat, but it could contribute to your overall health.

He said: “Eating fat is not fattening, it’s more of a higher calorie intake! Healthy fats are associated with greater satiety.”

Four. Are brown eggs better than white eggs?

If you like scrambled eggs or even a delicious omelette, you may not be paying much attention to how the eggs look on the outside.

But some people associated better egg quality with shell color, but Dr. Saleh said shell color doesn’t really matter.

“Brown and white eggs are exactly the same, the color depends on the type of chicken,” he said.

5. Do spicy foods cause ulcers?

Ulcers are caused by a number of things, such as biting the inside of your cheek or a food intolerance.

They’re not caused by spicy foods, says Dr. Saleh, but it’s probably best if you have an ulcer to avoid them.

He added: “Ulcers are caused by regular intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and H. Pylori bacteria.

“Spicy foods just make it worse.”

6. Do detox diets cleanse your body?

Any food pattern that contains the word diet is probably designed to help you lose weight.

Some people will go on so-called “detox diets” if they are concerned about their liver or kidneys.

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But Dr. Saleh said that it is not diets that cleanse the body.

“Liver and kidneys detoxify your body! All detox diets are just healthy foods,” he said.

7. Is the vegan diet the healthiest diet?

Many people who follow a vegan diet take supplements to help them get nutrients that they might not get from their food.

Dr Saleh said: “The vegan diet has many health benefits and is probably one of the healthiest diets, but it can lead to some nutrient deficiencies.”

8. Does Cranberry Juice Cure Urinary Tract Infections??

It is a common saying that you must have cranberry juice if you have a water infection.

But Dr Saleh said it doesn’t really help.

“UTIs are infections that can only be treated with antibiotics and not a juice: About 45 percent of UTIs resolve on their own.”

9. Does the water have an expiration date?

This is a myth, as the water itself doesn’t have an expiration date, but Dr. Saleh said it really depends on how it’s packaged.

“Water doesn’t have an expiration date but bottles do because the plastic starts to seep into the water over time,” he added.

10 Are frozen vegetables bad for you?

Many people believe that fresh vegetables are better than frozen ones, but Dr. Saleh says that is not the case.

“Fresh vegetables start to lose nutrients once they’re harvested, so freezing them will extend the shelf life of the nutrients.”

eleven Is white chocolate the same as regular chocolate?

This may come as a surprise, but you can’t really classify white chocolate as chocolate.

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Dr Saleh explained: “White chocolate is made with sugar, dairy, vanilla and cocoa butter, but not the cocoa solids, so it’s not technically a chocolate.”

12 Do instant noodles cause cancer?

This is a no, instant noodles do not cause cancer.

Dr. Saleh said: “Instant noodles that contain wax and cause cancer are just a myth! So enjoy them.”

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