Married men are less at risk of dying from this disease, know what the study claims

Stomach Cancer: Single people are more prone to colon cancer than married people. Recently a study has come out, in which it has been told that the number of people who die from colon cancer is higher in single people. On the other hand, men who live with their partner. They are more likely to be cured of cancer than single men. Many such studies have claimed.

Researchers say that married people have a higher rate of fighting cancer. After that there are singles and finally there are people who have separated from their partner due to some reason.

Aman Xu, Arthur Professor of Corresponding at Anhui Medical University, said in a statement to SWNS that married couples are financially more stable, as well as get more emotional support from their partners. It has been told in research that colon cancer is the third leading cause of death for people.

72% chance of survival in married people

Research has seen that wives were more likely to survive than men. At the same time, the chances of survival in men whose wives have died are very less.

What is colon cancer?

Colon cancer occurs when the cells of the inner lining of the stomach become affected by cancer. Because of this, tumors start developing in the cells. This is also called gastric cancer.

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