Rice and Banana do not increase weight but reduce it by eating like this

Weight Loss: One thing that has bothered everyone in this modern lifestyle is the problem of increasing weight. Many times we get so much troubled by our increasing weight that without consulting any doctor, dietician, nutritionist, we sit in our mind that eating these things leads to weight gain. There are some things in our food that have been completely discredited that eating them leads to weight gain. Actually, today we will mention some such things in our article. Especially banana and rice. There is a mind set among people regarding banana and rice that both these things increase weight. Will discuss about the same today. You must have always noticed one thing that whenever you would ask someone for advice on losing weight, their first advice would be – reduce rice. The whole problem starts from there.

Most people prepare a long list of what not to eat before losing weight without consulting a doctor or dietician. The first names in this list are rice, banana, gluten, dairy products and mango etc. Far from all these misunderstandings and rumours, we know what Famous Certified Dietitian Kiran Kukreja has to say on this whole matter. Kiran says, ‘Losing weight is a journey. You cannot do this in a day or two. Most people want to lose weight in an instant, it does not happen. Rice and banana do not increase weight at all, it is important how you are eating.


Rice contains a lot of carbohydrates, which gives instant energy to the body. Renowned dietician Kiran Kukreja says do not stop eating rice, change its method. The amount of fiber in rice is less, so we can eat it easily. You can add a lot of vegetables to the rice to increase the fiber content and lower the glycemic index of the recipe. By doing this you will get all the nutritionists comfortably. Do not eliminate rice from the diet, rather change the way of eating it, you will see that the weight is not increasing but it is decreasing.

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Most dieticians ask to start the morning with banana. Banana is a very useful thing. If you eat a banana in the morning, then the stomach feels full. Not only this, if you are leaving for office, then eat a banana immediately, you can stay without breakfast for some time. Kiran Kukreja says that banana is really beneficial in weight loss. Because the amount of fiber in banana is good. Due to which your stomach is also fine. It has been revealed in many research that if you eat more fiber in your diet, then the problem of weight gain is reduced by 30 percent. If you want to keep the weight under control, then definitely eat a banana daily.

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