Robotic surgery key in enhancing healthcare in NE: Experts – ET HealthWorld

Guwahati: Establishment robotic surgery centers in the northeast would improve significantly access to medical careespecially in remote and underserved areas, say experts in the field of robotic surgery.

A significant milestone in the field of medical literature was achieved by the region, when the editorial board of the ‘International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Robotic Surgery’ (IJARIS) met on Saturday at the Marriott Convention Center in Shillong.

In the northeast, only Swagat Hospital, Guwahati, currently offers robotic surgery.

Dr Arun Prasad, clinical director, gastrointestinal and bariatric surgeon at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, specializing in robotic surgery, said these centers offer advanced technology. surgical techniquesincluding minimally invasive procedures, which improve patient outcomes and reduce the need for patients to travel long distances to receive specialized treatment.

“By attracting skilled healthcare professionals and fostering research and training opportunities, robotic surgery centers can elevate the Northeast region’s healthcare infrastructure and contribute to its socioeconomic development”Prasad said.

Furthermore, he said that the potential of Medical tourism It further highlights the benefits of investing in robotic surgery in the North East, positioning the region as a destination for high-quality, cost-effective surgical care.

The Shillong event was attended by eminent personalities in the field of robotic surgery and is set to shape the future trajectory of the journal, reinforcing its commitment to intellectual rigor and innovation.

Chaired by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Subhash Khanna, the editorial board delved into a wide range of topics, ranging from maintaining rigorous editorial standards to charting strategies for publishing innovative research that advances the frontiers of medical knowledge. .

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While the journal awaits indexing, the editorial board, comprising esteemed members such as associate editors Dr Somashekhar SP and Dr Raj Palaniappan, along with associate editors Dr Vivek Bindal and CR Selvasekar, and other luminaries including Dr. Arun Prasad, Prof (Dr) Manjiri S., Dr. Belal Bin Asaf and Prof. (Dr.) Swagata Khanna, are at the forefront of intellectual management.

Robotic surgery is an advanced technology. Surgical technique which uses robotic systems to help surgeons perform complex procedures with greater precision, control and flexibility. At the heart of robotic surgery are sophisticated systems comprising a surgical console, robotic arms, an endoscopic camera and specialized computer software.

“Robotic surgery offers several advantages over traditional open surgery and conventional minimally invasive techniques. Its improved precision allows for meticulous maneuvering, which is especially beneficial in delicate procedures. Additionally, robotic surgery is minimally invasive and involves smaller incisions that cause less trauma to surrounding tissues. reduced blood lossand faster recovery times for patients,” said Dr. Prasad.


  • Updated On May 13, 2024 at 10:41 AM IST
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  • Posted on May 13, 2024 at 10:36 am IST
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