Shocking! A drink loved by all may raise cancer risk, and it’s not alcohol

Tea and coffee are primarily considered healthy beverages that could increase the risk of disease due to their caffeine and antioxidant content.

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New Delhi: In a surprisingly distressing discovery, it was recently claimed that there is a particularly healthy to drink which could significantly raise cancer risk in people, and what is worse, it was not cancer. For a long time, alcohol It’s gotten a bad rap for being a high-calorie beverage that can increase fat levels and blood pressure along with the risk of deadly disease. However, it turns out that even tea Y coffee could increase the risk of esophageal cancer in people.

How do tea and coffee increase the risk of cancer?

Tea and coffee are primarily considered healthy beverages that could increase the risk of disease due to their caffeine and antioxidant content. However, drinking the concoction too hot can triple the risk of cancer by damaging the esophagus, say experts from the University of Cambridge. To reduce it, try letting the drink cool down before you drink it. People who drink very hot drinks are 4.1 times more likely to have cancer, while those who prefer hot drinks have a 2.7 times higher risk. However, the amounts were not indicated.

In the journal Clinical Nutrition, it was further stated that those who liked to drink coffee were 2.8 times more likely to be at risk of disease compared to non-smokers. In addition, the association with genetic disease was stronger in people who preferred hot caffeinated beverages compared to those loyal to decaf.

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How do coffee and tea contribute to damage to the esophagus?

thermal injury it is a risk factor when it comes to damage caused by the ingestion of hot food. Additionally, sweetening beverages can also lower their nutritional quotient and do more harm than good. Coffee mixers and sugars can increase the risk of disease in regular drinkers by 30 percent, another study indicates.

But coffee doesn’t always just cause harm. It might also do well in limited quantities. Previously, studies indicated that drinking three cups of coffee in a day worked well to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Disclaimer: The hints and tips mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before beginning any fitness program or making changes to your diet.


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