Sleep is broken again and again at night due to these reasons, know what is the reason for your problem

Wake up During Night Sleep: Due to repeated breaks in sleep at night, neither the mind becomes calm nor does the fatigue of the body disappear. Together the mind becomes low mood, so different. Because repeated sleep breaks do not allow the brain and body to recover, so the mood is not good. In such a situation, you have to face many types of problems the next day.

Like not being able to focus on work, not being able to complete the work on time, feeling angry without any reason, not wanting to talk to anyone, etc. Overall, this has a bad effect on both your productivity and social life. So let’s know about the causes and solutions of this problem…

1. Your stress is the first problem

When you are under a lot of stress, first of all you do not get sleep and if it does, then it keeps breaking in between. Such stress can happen to you due to office and also due to any personal problem. So before going to bed, you must relax yourself. For this, grow such a book, which is giving peace of mind, such as Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta or any other book that tells the way to solve problems. If you do not have the desire to read, then write your problems in a diary, this will bring out the balloon inside you as well as understand the tricks to solve the problem.

2. Your room and temperature

The ideal room temperature for a good night’s sleep is considered to be between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius. So take care of the AC, cooler or fan of your room before sleeping. Also note that your covering and laying sheet should be of cotton. Because it helps to relax the skin and calm the mind.

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3. Room lighting and ventilation
When you go to sleep, your room should not be too dark or too light. Along with this, there must be some space for ventilation. Especially when you are sleeping in the strong cooler air. There must be some ventilation even in the condition of running ceiling fan and AC.

4. Your Bed

The mattress of the bed you sleep on should not be too hard or too soft. Because hard mattresses can cause problems in your lower back and having too soft mattresses can cause muscle pain or tingling due to poor posture. Therefore, while buying a mattress for your bed, keep these two things in mind. Also, change the mattress of your bed every 10 years.

5. Consuming Alcohol Before Sleep

Some people have a habit of taking one or two pegs before going to bed at night. Although by doing this, sleep comes very quickly, but it is equally light and every small sound that occurs during the night breaks your sleep. This is the effect of alcohol.

6. Urinating at night

Some people have to wake up in deep sleep and go for urine, this breaks their sleep (Wake up in Sleep) and then it takes time to fall asleep again. If this is the case with you too, then know that it happens for three reasons. The first reason is diabetes, the second reason is taking alcohol before sleeping and the third main reason is stress. Apart from this, drinking a lot of water before sleeping can also lead to the problem of pee at night.

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Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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