The 5-minute Japanese towel exercise: Does it burn belly fat & give you flat abs?

The Japanese have always been sincere, devoted, and creative in their approach to well-being and well-being in life. They work hard and have aligned their spirituality through the physical. In fact, they’ve used accessories in and around their homes to devise fitness routines in such a way that spending extra time working out doesn’t seem … Read more

Belly blasting tips that actually work

While more Malaysians are adopting better habits for good health, many are finding they have problem areas where they just can’t fatten up to shrink. Raise your hand if you’re one of the millions who find themselves with a layer of stubborn fat around their waists? It’s frustrating that even though you may be making … Read more

This drink melts belly fat like wax, obesity can be reduced in a few days

Weight Loss With Apple Cider Vinegar : Due to lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, the problem of obesity is increasing in people. Apart from this, there can be many reasons for weight gain, including spicy food, not exercising, consumption of fat-rich diet, diseases etc. Some effective home remedies can be taken to control … Read more

If you exercise regularly and still have belly fat, this could be why | The Times of India

Have you been exercising every day and still your sagging belly looks the same? It’s been weeks of working out and sweating and yet nothing seems to change! Also, losing belly fat isn’t just a concern based on appearance. Accumulation of fat in the abdominal region poses more health risks than fat found elsewhere. Having … Read more