Not only beneficial, beetroot can also harm the body, this problem can be related to kidney

Beetroot Side Effects: Beetroot is a superfood. Beetroot rich in beta-carotene and iron is counted among the foods that provide relief in anemia and period related problems. Apart from this, eating beetroot also gives many benefits. Vitamin C is found in plenty in beetroot which helps in keeping you away from many diseases. Most people … Read more

The benefits of mustard oil are known to many… Now listen to its serious side effects as well.

Mustard Side Effect: Be it mustard or mustard oil, it is widely used in every Indian household. Where mustard oil is used in cooking, the same mustard seeds are used in making special recipes or for tempering. Due to this, the taste of food is also excellent. It is said that instead of using Fortune, … Read more

If the child falls ill after eating an egg, then there may be an allergy to the egg, these are the symptoms

Egg Allergy in Kids: Children’s immune system is very weak in the beginning. This is the reason why children get sick more than adults. Sometimes children also start getting allergic to different things. Milk does not suit some children, while some children are allergic to eggs. Doctors recommend feeding eggs to the child only after … Read more

These things in the house can cause allergies, save in time

Allergy at Home: We are all well aware that AirPurify improves air quality. But do you know that this same purifier can also increase your allergies. Apart from this, most people understand that the weather becomes very clear during the rainy days, it gives you pure air. But do you know that rain brings with … Read more

Chocolate recalled for containing potential allergen not mentioned in ingredient list

Chocolate recalled for containing a potential allergen not mentioned in the list of ingredients  WKRC TV Cincinnati .

What is Gluten Free Diet, how to identify the allergy to food containing gluten?

Symptoms Of Guten Allergies: Wheat is the staple diet in India. People eat wheat bread, parathas, puris and churma with great fervor. A protein called gluten is found in foods such as wheat, barley and rye, to which some people are sensitive. Such people have the problem of ‘gluten intolerance’. This also includes people with … Read more

Know how to recognize from the symptoms whether it is corona, cold or seasonal allergy?

Flu Symptoms In the midst of increasing cases of corona, the flu and viral have started rapidly. Many people also have allergies in this changing season. What is the difference between these three diseases, it is not understood many times, but if you pay attention to these symptoms, then you will be able to differentiate … Read more

Allergy on lips? Treat with these remedies

Lips are a very delicate part of our lips. In such a situation, there is a possibility of allergies in the lips due to many reasons. Some people complain of allergies on the lips, especially due to food and drink. If you are also struggling with this problem, then let us know about the ways … Read more