Why should milk be drunk while standing and water while sitting? here is the answer

Drinking water is essential for our body. A healthy person should consume 2 liters of water every day. You must have often heard about water that water should be drunk while sitting, which is also correct. But, many people then think that if it is right to drink water while sitting, then why is it … Read more

Why diabetic women should visit doctor 6 months before planning a baby, here is the answer

Diabetes: Diabetes is such a disease which can become the root of many diseases. Diabetes has a big role in making many diseases serious. Not only diseases, diabetes can affect the fertility of men and women. In such a situation, if you are planning for diabetes and baby, then it is very important to take … Read more

People say that one should eat desi eggs… Why is it said so? here is the answer

Brown Desi Egg: In the winter season, we consume many types of food items to protect the body from cold. There is also an egg in it. People consume eggs more in winter, so that their body remains warm and they get enough nutrients. You must have often heard about eggs that instead of white … Read more

When should oil be applied on the body? this is the correct answer

Oil massage is well liked in every season. But, if it is cold season, then its importance increases even more. By massaging the body with oil, it not only strengthens our bones, but also keeps our muscles good. The tradition of oil massage in India is centuries old. In Ayurveda too, many methods and benefits … Read more

Corona patients are at risk of this disease, seeing the symptoms, the brain will also answer

Coronavirus Brain Fog: The outbreak of Coronavirus had thrown the whole world into turmoil in the year 2020-21. In today’s time, its outbreak has reduced as compared to earlier, but it has not ended completely. The effect of this epidemic is still visible among the people in some form or the other. Recently a report … Read more

Why do mosquitoes bite more and less? Got the biggest answer of the century

Mosquitoes Bites: In a place, where 3-4 people are standing together and there are mosquitoes too, then how does it decide which person the mosquito will bite the most? If you bite more than one person, then what is that thing, due to which mosquitoes suffocate that person’s nose. Scientists have given the answer to … Read more

Can ayurveda cure diabetes completely? You will be glad to know this answer

Diabetes Treatment In Ayurveda: Diabetes means the disease of sugar is considered incurable. However, the Vaidyas who treat the patients through Ayurvedic system of medicine do not completely agree with this fact. Because according to Ayurveda, the disease of diabetes can be completely controlled and cured in many conditions. There are many such processes in … Read more

Is it safe to have sex during chemotherapy? Know the answer to this question here

Chemotherapy And Relationship: Cancer is becoming a common disease in today’s time. As fast as cancer patients have increased and the way cancer hospitals are getting crowded, the situation is very frightening. Cancer is rapidly taking its grip not only to older people but from young children to young people. However, the treatment of cancer … Read more