‘Millions of lives at risk’: WHO warns of rising antibiotic resistance

A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that some common bacteria are showing higher levels of resistance to antibiotics, which could put “millions of lives” at risk. Key points: The WHO surveyed people in more than 80 countries They found increased resistance to antibiotics. More research is needed to identify what … Read more

ICMR Issues New Guidelines To Avoid Antibiotics Prescription

Delhi: In the contemporary era, unprecedented diseases also require unprecedented precautions. The world is filled with so many infections that even young people are forced to take pills and antibiotics Delhi: In the contemporary era, unprecedented diseases also require unprecedented precautions. The world is filled with so many infections that even young people are forced … Read more

The connection between acne and antibiotics has been found …. it will stop the growth of bones

Acne Treatment: You must have seen pimples coming out on the face in young age. These are called pimples in common parlance. The face gets worse when more pimples come out. Some youth acne comes out for some time. While some do not stop coming out. The youth get upset when the face gets spoiled … Read more

Do not take antibiotics without need, negligence can be costly

Antibiotic Overuse: Often in the family, you must have noticed that whenever a person has a minor health problem, they take antibiotics at will. If there is an injury or there is pain internally in the body, people take foreign antibiotics. But, becoming a doctor by itself is harmful for a person. In severe circumstances, … Read more

There is a sore throat for a long time, are these diseases flourishing?

Throat Infection: Winter has knocked. People are complaining of cough and sore throat due to the grip of cold. Doctors say that there can be a sore throat due to common cold or viral fever. It can also be a kind of bacterial infection. But do you know that a sore throat can be a … Read more

Antibiotics may have to be taken repeatedly, these problems may occur

Antibiotic Medicine: People are facing many problems in their fast-paced life. Problems like headache, stomach ache are quite common in these problems. Most people insist on taking antibiotics when they have minor problems, but do you know that antibiotics can also harm health in this way. Many health experts also recommend not taking antibiotics in … Read more

World Liver Day 2022: These Habits are Harming Your Liver – Take Corrective Steps Now

The liver is the largest internal organ of the body. With over 500 different functions, including digestion, metabolism, detoxification and storage of nutrients, the liver helps the body function properly, digests food efficiently and removes toxins from the human body. The liver plays an important role in affecting our overall health and well-being, so we … Read more